6 Awesome M/M books for $10 – All proceeds to the Trevor Project

So Rain Carrington, Varian Krylov, Matt Ortiz, Joseph Lance Tonlet, Brad Vance and I got together to offer everyone something for the holidays. We're calling it "Hot Reads For The Trevor Project" and all proceeds go to The Trevor Project*

Get ready to lower your thermostat because your winter is about to get hot! For a limited time only, get SIX great reads by some of the hottest authors in M/M! A guilt-free guilty pleasure at an incredibly low price with all proceeds going to The Trevor Project!

So... what are you waiting for? Buy some books for a good cause!

Buy Now


*What is The Trevor Project?
Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.

Total Power Exchange

It probably won't come as a surprise that I enjoy my D/s with a healthy dose of TPE... it certainly comes out in my stories.

I'm realizing now that it's definitely something that will alienate some readers because, for most people, the idea of giving up complete control and surrendering yourself 100% to another person is unthinkable.



You give up your rights as a person and become an object.

See... because with TPE, the sub is more than just a sub. It's consensual slavery.

The Master sets the slave's limits. Not the slave.
The Master no longer needs the consent of the slave for anything.
The slave does not get a safe word. *

It's extreme, but it's amazing how utterly freeing it is for some.

*I just want to point out that, like everything, there are variations. This is just my own understanding of TPE and how it's worked out for me in the past.

Win a digital copy of all of my books!

Contest is closed! Thank you to everyone who played :)

I've put in the answers below.


You read right! You can win a copy of Caged, Sacrificed AND Sarge.

How, you ask? Easy... here are some quotes to some of my favourite movies*. Answer what movies they're from in a comment (screened so no one can cheat off each other), and you'll be entered in a draw for all three books. A winner will be chosen randomly out of those that got the quotes right.

Got it? Good... let's play:

1. "I ain't got time to bleed." - Predator

2. "I, myself, am strange and unusual." - Beetlejuice 

3. "I'd buy that for a dollar!" - RoboCop

4. "You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus." - The Big Lebowski

5. "Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!" - Ghostbusters

6. "Ted Nugent called, he wants his shirt back." - Ocean's Eleven

7. "Mandrake, have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?" - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

8. "Finish the fucking story man! What happened? What about the glands?" - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

9. "I was just passing through. I figured why not have a belt with the old man." - Warrior

10. "Look! I have one job on this lousy ship, it's *stupid*, but I'm gonna do it! Okay?" - Galaxy Quest


Good luck! (or good googling?)



*Not necessarily from my top twenty

Interview Shenanigans

I was interviewed by the unicorns over at Boy Meets Boy Reviews for their anniversary shenanigans. Want to read about kinks, porn stars, and sex mixes? Come on down! Plus - there's a little giveaway for a paperback copy of Caged and a mug (or... this slightly NSFW one?)

Read the interview at Boy Meets Boy Reviews.


I Want

I want to touch you.

The stubble of your jaw against my palm,
Feel the give of your bottom lip pressed to mine,
Follow the curve of your bones and muscles beneath your flesh.

I want your scent on me as I lick the salt from your skin.

I want to drown my senses in your existence.

I want to learn you.

The way your voice changes when you say my name.
When you beg my name.
When you cry my name.

I want to hear your voice break like a wave against the rocks.

I want to see what fear looks like in your eyes.


Love thy psychopath

Psychopath is an outdated term, psychologically-speaking. You cannot be diagnosed with psychopathy. That being said, when the term was bandied about with some validity by those who travail in the psychological arts, there was no distinction between psychopath and sociopath. Being a sociopath didn't mean you were a less-dangerous psychopath (like I once thought). It just sounded nicer. Who wants to be called a psycho?

Today, psychopath and its more palatable equivalent are sometimes used by headshrinkers as blanket terms to describe a variety of  personality disorders (mostly cluster A and B): narcissistic, histrionic, borderline, antisocial, paranoid, etc.

However, the terms psychopath and sociopath are still used widely in law, by the general public, and most notably, in fiction.

Personally, I get a kick out of the word psychopath.

I also get a kick out of psychopaths themselves—at least on screen/in print. Some of my favourite characters (like ol' Freddie up there) are unrepentant psychopaths, and I wouldn't have them any other way.

Some are accidents of nature, born missing that integral part necessary for empathy. Others are created; whether by physical or psychological trauma, they somehow lose that bit of humanity.

I like writing psychopaths, and I'm fascinated by people's reactions to Captain Baltsaros. I fully expected readers to have issues with him—not everyone loves a dyed-in-the-wool killer the way I do.  Some people really dislike him, and many plain don't understand what he is.

Baltsaros is charming, he's intelligent... but he's not lovable. Yet, some do like him, maybe even love him.

And that makes me smile. :)

A rambly post about romance

I've always sort of cringed at the thought of romance. Flowers, candy, I-Love-Yous... oh... I don't know... walking hand in hand and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes in the moonlight?

Not really my thing.

I wrote something on Facebook a few weeks ago about how what I write is not romantic. I worded it as a statement, but it was actually a question. See, since I first published Caged I've been reading the reviews carefully, curious as to what others thought, but mostly what they felt, about my work. I've always been curious about feelings. What I get is that my writing is dark, angsty, sexy... but is it romantic?

But... wait. What is "romantic" anyway. Let's go look at the good ol' MW, shall we?


adjective \rō-ˈman-tik, rə-\

: of, relating to, or involving love between two people
: making someone think of love : suitable for romance
: thinking about love and doing and saying things to show that you love someone

It's about love.

When I look at Caged and Sacrificed... all I see is love. The ongoing story is so shot through with it that I feel the resonance between their hearts and bleed with them when they do. It's raw feeling...

But, it's not romance for everyone, that's for sure. Very little "fluff" and I'm not big on spoken I-Love-Yous, not when you can say it better with your body in a hundred different ways.

Then I wrote Sarge. 

One thing that I asked my beta readers was whether they thought it was too sweet... something that some readers of Sarge will undoubtedly laugh at me for asking.

But, to me, it really is a very sweet love story.

Shit... somehow, through writing, I've found my romantic side.




Sarge, a D/s Space Marine love story

sarge-final-200x300Not satisfied with just one release day this month... I went for a second!

Sarge is now available for purchase at these fine establishments:

Barnes and Noble
All Romance eBooks
Apple – Smashwords

Plus: download a 30% excerpt: epub or mobi

Happy reading!


Review of Grif’s Toy by Joseph Lance Tonlet

This is definitely not my normal sort of read.

How the hell do I rate this? I have no real experience with romances, and this is definitely romantic.

Yet, here I sit here with a grin on my face, heart hammering, feeling a little dazed and in need of a very stiff drink.

I’m going to rate this according to my gut (and, I suppose, other parts of my anatomy) and go with five stars.

On one hand, it’s incredibly hot, full of some of my very favourite things. The fact that Wes and Grif are such an ideal match makes their D/s relationship intensely satisfying (and envying) to read about.

[Am I greedy for wanting more Chocolate?]

On the other hand? Well, it’s one hell of a great fantasy—the kind that is crafted from a deep well of desires, each detail lovingly chosen before it’s polished like a prized possession and placed in just the right sequence to make for a really gratifying story. I found it all terribly attractive, both in plot and execution. A lot of care went into it, and a lot of soul.

As much as the relationship between Grif and Tate was bittersweet… well, what Wes and Grif forge between them is like finding home. And, before I get too sentimental, let me wrap this up:

The truth is, I had a hard time putting Grif’s Toy down, and that felt damn great.

I am eagerly looking forward to the next one.

Good job, Joseph.

Order it here and then add it to your TBR on Goodreads

Happy release day to me!

Do you know what today means? With the launch of Sacrificed, I finally feel good about calling myself a writer.

I'm a writer.

I really am.

And, to prove I'm not just a one-trick pirate pony, I'm publishing an erotic science fiction novelette, Sarge, sometime next week.

Happy release day indeed... just look at these beautiful reviews!


Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents:

If I could give this book more than 5 stars I would.  5+++ (read more)


MM Good Book Reviews:

Reuniting with the cast from Baal’s Heart feels like coming home to family and friends. Above all, you will be left breathless in its wake. (read more)


Prism Book Alliance:

If I start talking about the kinky times we could be here for days, so let’s just say they were amazeballs and leave it at that. (read more)


Boy Meets Boy Reviews:

Ann: What I find incredibly brilliant about this series so far is the fluid dynamics with the three main characters.

SheReadsALot: These words from this story are filled with so much heart, passion and love of well fleshed out characters, I can't not rave about them. (read more)




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Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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