
I don't cry a lot. In fact, I can't remember the last time it happened. I can think of one time, and that was nearly three years ago.

I don't like crying. Some say it's catharsis. To me, it's just a stuffy nose and a slight headache if it goes on a bit. I have other ways of relieving tension.

I have an ex who used to argue that I was heartless because I don't find certain movies sad.

Just today I was talking to someone about how I don't like endings, so here are four movies I can't watch the end of for fear that they'll make me cry... because it happened before:

1. Brokeback Mountain - watched late at night at the office along with too much to drink. Cried like a baby.

2. Terminator 2 - need I say more?

3. Armageddon - ok, I may have daddy issues.

4. Dances with Wolves - Ugh. Two Socks.

I watch these but turn them off before the Bad Things happen. Cowardly or just avoiding a stuffy nose? Take your pick.

What movies make you cry?


10 thoughts on “Tears”

  1. the movie Big Fish kills me every single time i see it.

    There’s a scene in Cloud Atlas (fantasy scene) where two lovers are in a china shop and start breaking everything, all the time smiling at each other, and i burst into tears

    i’ve never seen Brokeback Mountain because i don’t want to be that sad!

    • Big Fish? Hm. See – I don’t remember that movie being sad at all.

      Cloud Atlas – I don’t know that one, but that scene sounds really interesting.

      With Brokeback it hit me in just the right way. Didn’t help that I had a six of beer in my blood and was working on a tumbler of whiskey at the time.

      • Big Fish..the final part of the film where the son carries his father to the water so that he can transform into the fish. the son gaining a better understanding & acceptance of his father at the moment of death, letting go of so many resentments. that’s incredibly powerful to me. (plus it came out about a year after my mom died..so i was fragile)

        Cloud Atlas is…incredibly convoluted, didn’t think i’d like it at all but for some reason it totally works for me. i’m sure lots of people can’t stand it. i’m slowly working my way through the novel

  2. This whole post is so me. I even read spoilers on wiki to make sure I avoid sad movies. There is enough sadness in real life, I don’t want it in my entertainment. Catharsis? No. Depression, for days. I’m right there with you on Brokeback and Dances With Wolves. I flinch just thinking about those movies. I wouldn’t watch them today.

    • *grin* Oh, I can watch them just fine… right up until the shit goes down and I just turn the TV off. Normally, I’m so completely unfazed by movies/books/what-have-yous that when I do mention the fact that I wept like a child at the end of Brokeback, my friends stare at me round-eyed in wonder, like I’ve just told them that I can spin straw into gold.

      “You? Cry? Shit, I gotta see this…” *smh*

  3. I don’t cry about many real life things, but I will cry like a newborn baby–ugly face cry–over tv and movies. I wish I could remember some of the stupid things I have cried over. I could cry over the GoT show opening (the map) because it is so awesome. And yeah, it is totally cathartic for me.

  4. Yes, Brokeback Mountain, but not the first time. The first time I was in a movie theater with friends and I didn’t know what it was about. When it was over, I was still dazed that the fight scene had turned into a fuck scene. Second time I saw it at home by myself. I was done for.

    I cried at some point during all of these movies: The Notebook, Legends of the Fall, Forrest Gump, My Girl, Schindler’s List, The Green Mile, Boys Don’t Cry (A LOT), The Horse Whisperer, The Incredible Journey, and Turner and Hooch.

    I think it gets worse as I get older, especially since I’ve become such a sap and read/write Romance.


    • Brokeback… the shirts. See, I get a little misty just thinking about it ;) I play such a hard ass, but I’ve obviously got a little soft side to me.

      • “Jack, I swear…” *sniffles*

        As for the soft side, I dunno. Cold-hearted Baltsaros seems to be a metaphor…but trying to draw metaphors from everyday life and literature can get so exhausting. It’s probably best not to dwell.


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