Are you looking for a quick read or something a little longer? Do you like fantasy, or is horror more your thing? Below are the books I’ve written (as well as anthology contributions). Maybe you’ll find something to your taste.
FAQ: What is the best place to buy my books?
ALL my books are LGBTQ+ and contain graphic sexual content.
The books are divided into three main categories: light, moderate, and dark.
LIGHT = Low angst, can be sweet, romantic, and/or humorous.
MODERATE = A love story, but not necessarily romantic. On-page blood/violence. Both physical and emotional pain. Possible cheating/lying/murder.
DARK = Nothing is sacred. Check reviews and read at your own peril.
An additional category, TABOO, is for works that deal with taboo subjects.
For all works PLEASE read the CWs. Know what you're getting into.

Tags/CW: Consent ambiguity, toxic relationship, abuse (including...

Tag/CW: Fantasy, non-human, furry, slow burn, slavery, caste...

Contains the first three novels in the Baal's...

Tags/CW: Fairy tale, science fiction, xenophilia, magic...

Tags/CW: Historical AU fantasy, age gap, triad, ménage,...

Tags/CW: Horror, very graphic torture, forced incest, murder,...

Tags/CW: Bi-awakening, contemporary, romance, humour, erotica, beach...

This omnibus includes both novellettes from F.I.S.T.S.:

Tags/CW: Historical AU fantasy, erotic action/adventure, age gap,...

Tags/CW: Historical AU fantasy, erotic action/adventure, age gap,...

Tags/CW: Historical AU fantasy, bisexual, erotic action/adventure,...
All genres. May or may not contain LGBTQ+ characters.

UnCommon Bodies
Contribution: Don’t Touch Me
Fighting is what Beau does best, because the very thing he dreads is exactly what lends him the extraordinary strength to defeat even the worst odds. And he does it all with the help of his angel, the woman he longs desperately to hold… but can’t.
Buy it now: Amazon

UnCommon Lands
Contribution: Rakka Surprise
It was a simple task, a bit of diplomacy, on a new world for some blue bloods of the Polyverse Coalition. Unfortunately, Captain Drayan failed to read the fine print, the bits that put his sensory system into freefall. Good thing he had Sitik the Rakka, his first mate, to sort it all out. Except, that sorting led to more fine print and a Rakka surprise to end all surprises.
Buy it now: Amazon

O Deadly Night Volume 2 is a Dark MM anthology with all proceeds to be donated to It Gets Better
Contribution: Santa's Workshop
Buy it now: Amazon
I loved Caged and Sacrificed. Are you writing a third? I keep seeing Baals Heart Trilogy, but only see two books. Please make my day and tell me you’re working on it:)).
You are a superb writer. Keep the stories coming!!!
Thank you! Glad you liked them. Yes – I’m currently working on the last in the series. I hit the 1/3 mark just this week. :)
I keep poking around my favorite authors’ websites for words like “new!” and “coming soon!” and “extra crispy!” (ok, maybe not that last one) all for naught. :/
LOL “extra crispy”
I feel like I have 3 things “coming soon” but I have to actually finish something. I just got back from vacation and ready to write.
I just finished Kestrel’s Talon, Stonewatchers #1 and noticed it was published in 2016. As it is #1 will there be a #2? BTY, I really enjoyed this! It was my first taste of your writing. I’m hungry for more!😉
Hi Cindy –
Glad you enjoyed it! Yes, there will be a second book. I went on unintentional hiatus for over a year but I’m slowly getting back to writing again. However, I don’t know when Stonewatchers 2 will be published… hopefully before too long. Cheers and thanks for the comment!
Hi Bey, I want to buy 2 books (Toxic AF and Uncle Zach). I looked them up on Amazon and they are available only in paperback. Are the links above for epubs?
Still loving your books!
Faith Williams
Hi Faith!
If you click on the link, it’ll bring you to these pages where you can choose where to buy it in epub or paperback:
I didn’t put them in ePub on Amazon for fear of my account getting terminated 😅 but I may try the same workaround I used to get them there in paperback in the future.
Worked like a charm! thank you