A rambly post about romance

I've always sort of cringed at the thought of romance. Flowers, candy, I-Love-Yous... oh... I don't know... walking hand in hand and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes in the moonlight?

Not really my thing.

I wrote something on Facebook a few weeks ago about how what I write is not romantic. I worded it as a statement, but it was actually a question. See, since I first published Caged I've been reading the reviews carefully, curious as to what others thought, but mostly what they felt, about my work. I've always been curious about feelings. What I get is that my writing is dark, angsty, sexy... but is it romantic?

But... wait. What is "romantic" anyway. Let's go look at the good ol' MW, shall we?


adjective \rō-ˈman-tik, rə-\

: of, relating to, or involving love between two people
: making someone think of love : suitable for romance
: thinking about love and doing and saying things to show that you love someone

It's about love.

When I look at Caged and Sacrificed... all I see is love. The ongoing story is so shot through with it that I feel the resonance between their hearts and bleed with them when they do. It's raw feeling...

But, it's not romance for everyone, that's for sure. Very little "fluff" and I'm not big on spoken I-Love-Yous, not when you can say it better with your body in a hundred different ways.

Then I wrote Sarge. 

One thing that I asked my beta readers was whether they thought it was too sweet... something that some readers of Sarge will undoubtedly laugh at me for asking.

But, to me, it really is a very sweet love story.

Shit... somehow, through writing, I've found my romantic side.




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