This summer can bite my shiny metal ass... so far it's been nice a handful of days, but, in between, the barometer's been playing yo-yo. Nicht so gut for my sinuses.

I hit a slow spot with the writing. Just staring at the page going "B... lover, please just trust me, ok?" It'll get done, it just feels like cat-wrangling at the moment.
I wonder if I'm ever going to get any better at replying to fan mail? My responses of "Glad you enjoyed it!" and "Thanks so much!" are so impersonal. I lack the words mostly because I've got a d’aw shucks kind of thing going on.
You might think I'm all:
when I get fan mail, but in truth I'm more like:

You know what? Somewhere between today and Sunday marks the one year anniversary of the day I started to write stuff! I can't remember exactly when. I keep thinking the 28th but it may have actually been the 26th.
It's been a really weird year, and I've rather enjoyed it as a whole. I wonder what the next year will bring? More writing, definitely.
Cheers to everyone who's been part of the process... my friends, family, fans, and the lovely folks like my new editor (hi Starr!) and fellow authors who have been there for me. Here's to you!