serial killer
Better the Devil You Know
Tags/CW: Horror, very graphic torture, forced incest, murder, paranormal, serial killer, dark humour/satire, dark bromance
(trust me on this one... you want to before buying)
Byron is tall, handsome, cultured, and rich. He's also an unrepentant serial killer with a penchant for bloody, gruesome torture. His techniques and ability to hide in plain sight come from a lifetime of honing his skills, and no one who walks through his doors ever sees the light of day again.
Micheal's been at his job so long that he's bored and disillusioned and can barely remember the days when his work used to bring him joy. He finds himself dumping more and more of his workload on his subordinates so that he can play hooky. He knows something needs to change . . . but what?
When Micheal's boss decides to send him on an unusual errand, Micheal and Byron are thrown together, and each finds themselves challenged in ways they never expected. But there is a mystery at the heart of their uneasy relationship—will unravelling the past solve that mystery and give them their hearts' desires?
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NEW: Buy it at Godless
Better the Devil You Know – Now @ Godless

Look! A new place to buy Better the Devil You Know! You can now get it in epub/mobi/pdf from Godless ->
Genre: Horror
TWs: All of them
Read an excerpt - trust me on this.
Friday the 13th Flash Sale: Better the Devil You Know for .99 (US/UK only)
(please heed the warnings)
Hotter than Hell Sale –
Better the Devil You Know – $2
Montréal is hot in the summer. Know what else is hot? Hell.
For the rest of July, Better the Devil You Know is on sale at 50% off at All Romance eBooks and through Payhip (through me).
☠☠ Read an excerpt before buying ☠☠
Better the Devil You Know – Out Now!
October 2020 update
After Amazon went and re-banned the ebook (sigh), I submitted it through Ingram Sparks and so now it's available, once again, on Amazon. Also... there's an audiobook!
Here is a the most up to date list of where you can purchase all versions.
Original post
It's October 1st in parts of the world... why don't we pretend we're all over there so I can launch this puppy, eh?
The TL;DR of this post is: read the warnings, m'kay? I don't want people going into this unprepared. BUY links are at the bottom of the post.
Here goes:
Listen to the soundtrack
Better the Devil You Know - a new psychosexual horror novel by Bey Deckard
Novel (40 000 words)
Genre(s): Horror, torture, paranormal, serial killer
Tags: graphic torture, forced incest, rape
Byron is tall, handsome, well spoken, wealthy, and has outstanding taste in wine and food. You’ll be impressed by his impeccable attire and eloquence in conversation, ranging from Baroque art to the newest advances in pharmacology. With his charming smile and elegant manners, Byron truly is the perfect date… and who doesn’t love a man who appreciates opera?
What’s the catch, you ask?
Just this: if Byron finds you suitable, he will subject you to utterly depraved forms of torture.
No, I’m not talking about S&M.
Byron will mutilate, rape, and then kill you. Don’t think that you will survive the encounter, because you won’t. He has a perfect record.
Intrigued? Would you like me to arrange a rendezvous? It has to be in the next few days because he’s leaving on a trip south to much warmer climes, and his calendar will be completely full.
Yes? Very good. I will make a reservation for two under the name of Smith.
Who am I? I’m Gloria, his personal assistant.
Ok - I really hate trigger warnings. I do. However, I really need to stress that this book is not for everyone. Hell... I don't even know who this book is for. Me... yes. But you? Will you like it? Maybe like is the wrong word. Or... is it? :)
I've been sort of vague about what the book is about. That's because it's hard to talk about it without spoilers. I've had a few questions:
Is it romance? No.
Is it m/m? It's only male/male in the sense that it features organs traditionally thought of as male.
What is it? A psychosexual, paranormal horror/thriller.
Still want it? You have two options at the moment. You can buy it (Mobi, ePub, or PDF) via Payhip (promise that it's secure) or you can buy it through All Romance eBooks. I'm still waiting on the verdict from Smashwords, but it doesn't look good. Oct. 1 update: officially BANNED at Smashwords. We won't even talk about Amazon. Oct 4. update: ebook BANNED at Amazon but NOT the paperback (So how do I get it for my kindle?)
Feb. 14, 2017 update: Amazon has relented and reversed the ban... as long as it's listed solely under "horror" :)
- Buy it from Amazon
- UPDATE! Buy paperback from Amazon!
- Looking for reviews? Check out Goodreads.