Better the Devil You Know… the alternate version? :)

Better the Devil You Know

Better the Devil You Know

Independently wealthy, elegant, and powerful, Byron's in the prime of his life. However, while the work he's so passionately driven by has him meet new guys all the time, he's never really found "the one". Is he destined to be single forever?

Enter Michael. Handsome, charming, and usually fun-loving, he's found himself in a slump that he just can't seem to shake. He figures work is the problem, but he doesn't know what to do about it—it's gotten so bad that he barely leaves the couch on his days off. Something's gotta change.

So when Michael gets talked into a date by Byron's matchmaking personal assistant Gloria, he's not really expecting much. However, the enigmatic older man might just be the one to put the smile back on Michael's face.

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(and yes... this is a joke)

(please don't buy this thinking it's a nice romance book)


The Actor’s Circle

What is The Actor's Circle?


Well, it's a new series. I've had all these seeds of of stories kicking around in my head for a while, and while writing The Complications of T, I started to get a picture of what I could do with all of them. Then, with The Last Nights of The Frangipani Hotel, the idea really solidified... especially when halfway through writing it, my brain was already writing the next.

How many books are in the series?

Four. There are three standalone books: The Complications of T, The Last Nights of The Frangipani Hotel, and hopefully coming before the end of the year, The Window in Between. What order you read them is entirely up to you.

The fourth book, which will bear the series' name, The Actor's Circle, will be about the three couples that came together in the first three books. I have to say, I'm very excited to write it. :)

I have no fucking clue whether I'm going to cock it up, given what I'm planning for the fourth, but let me just say that I'm enjoying the hell out of the process!


Frangipani is now available for pre-order at Amazon :)


The Last Nights of The Frangipani Hotel will be published on Sept. 12, 2015... but! you can pre-order your copy today from Amazon :)

Cover Reveal: The Last Nights of The Frangipani Hotel by Bey Deckard + Excerpt & Giveaway!

Why don't ya'll mosey on over to The Blogger Girls to see the cover for my upcoming book, The Last Nights of The Frangipani Hotel and enter to win one of two ARCs!

Check out the post and enter to win


Launch Day! The Complications of T


It's live!

The Complications of T

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Interview with Brad Vance, Author of Gay Romance and Erotica

Today I’d like to welcome the extremely prolific writer of gay romance and erotica, Brad Vance. Welcome to my blog, Brad. Glad to have you here.

Thank you! Glad to be here!


First off, you just released a new book, Would I Lie to You? that is garnering high praise from reviewers. Can you tell us a little bit about it?

I’d love to. I’m calling the series “The Game Players” because the characters are the kind of people who need a challenge, even in their romantic lives. Just dating and mating isn’t going to be enough for them. There has to be desire that’s suppressed, teased, extended and made more powerful by every move in their games. They’re both aware that what’s developing between them is a chess match, and that’s what makes it so interesting. Marc and Jesse are similar in a lot of ways – incredibly smart, driven, goal-oriented – and they’ve been betrayed by men who were their romantic and business partners. They’re also both honest people, in their own ways – even if that honesty means confessing that you’re not telling all of the truth. The title is “Would I Lie to You?” and that’s really the question at the heart of the story – if you can’t tell someone the truth, do you lie, or do you walk away, acknowledging that there are things you won’t share, that you can’t trust someone with the truth?


What drew you to writing romance and erotica?

I’d flailed around publishing novels under another name that never really went anywhere, and then Aubrey Watt did an AMA on Reddit about being a M/M smut writer, back in October 2012. I was fascinated by that, especially with the amount of money she was making! I wrote up “Good Cop Bad Boy,” my first M/M story, and mailed it off to her, asking her to take a look at it and tell me if I had a future in the biz. She said HELL YEAH you do! So that was my start…when Amazon started blocking/banning a lot of erotica, I moved into writing novels.


You recently decided to become a full-time writer. How’s that treating you? Have you found that your writing habits have changed a lot because of it?

Oh my God it’s the greatest. I’ve lost 18 pounds since I left my day job at the end of February! Just being able to be active all day, not chained to a desk, overeating as if trying to chew my way out of the cubicle…I love the freedom. I haven’t signed up for a class or anything yet, because I’m still savoring the “clock free” life – I’m just not ready to be on anyone else’s schedule again, not yet. I was running on stress for so long that I’m still trying to come down from that…
I was really working two jobs for the longest time, getting up at 3 am to write till 6:30, then getting ready for and going to the day job…it made for long days, with no life. My writing habits have changed in some ways but not in others. I still get up at 3 am! I guess I’m still conditioned to that sleep cycle, and in the back of my mind I’m afraid that it’ll all end in tears and I’ll have to get a job again, in which case I better stay used to getting up early… But, I no longer feel under the gun the way I used to, when I had to keep an eye on the clock with a hard stop at 6:30 every morning. If I sleep in till the unholy hour of 5:00, well, my day isn’t shot!


Why did you choose to self-publish instead of going the traditional route?

Well, when I started, I was just doing short erotica, so there wasn’t any other avenue for it. And, under another name, I’d been through the New York/tradpub mill, and I had no desire to go through that again, ever. To have no control over your title, cover art, blurb, I hated that. And the WAITING. The endless wait for someone to get around to reading it, the endless wait for them to buy it, the endless wait for publication, and OMG the endless wait for your money! Now I finish a novel one week, edit it the next, then publish it, and two months later, make it rain, baby.
You have to be strong in all areas – your grammar, spelling, your ability to edit/copyedit yourself (I’m still catching errors in books in print, that I’ve missed after reading them a thousand times), to write a blurb, to make a book cover, to market and promote yourself…but you get all the profit. And there’s nobody “doing it wrong” to mess it up for you, other than yourself.


Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? Something you wish someone had told you at the beginning?

The hardest part of self pubbing, to me, was marketing. That was the one upside of tradpub, back in the day – you submitted your book, and they did all the hustling. Of course now they expect you to come ready-made with a fan base, Twitter followers, etc., so there’s no advantage there anymore. I was really loathe to do it at first – I grew up all “punk rock” and thought of advertising/marketing as, you know, infomercial shit, Billy Mayes shouting his way into your head, an inherently bad, bullshit thing.
Finally I had a moment of enlightenment – I realized I hated marketing because I hated sounding like a brochure. “I’m so excited to tell you about my new release!” Blah blah blah. I decided I’d just BE ME on Facebook, etc. Put my real personality out there instead of trying to sound the way I though I was supposed to sound.
So, that would be my advice, I guess – people are gonna connect with you because of your work, but also because they like you. So be you, don’t be a brochure, when it’s time to do your marketing.


I know you’ve had problems with Amazon before and their ridiculous censorship policies, but do you think that Amazon is doing all right for self-publishers? What would you like to see changed?

Well, NUMBER ONE would be, clear guidelines for what’s allowed. They say what they’ll ban is “pretty much what you’d expect.” What who would expect? Me, a libertarian sex-positive homo, or some bluenose in Arkansas who has a heart attack at an exposed tittie on TV? But keeping it vague is deliberate, of course, because it gives them leeway to change the rules any time without changing them on paper.
Number Two, which is more realistic, would be a set rate every month for the Kindle Select/Unlimited “borrow rate,” the amount writers get per borrow each month. It fluctuates all the time, $1.33, $1.39, etc. You don’t know what you earned last month until the middle of the next month. They should just part it at a certain amount and leave it there, I’d say $1.40, instead of leaving us all on pins and needles every month, as they arbitrarily decide how much more money to put into the fund and screw up people’s income forecasts. It’s like getting a pay raise/pay cut every month – very exhausting.


Do you ever get told by friends or family that you don’t write “real books”? I know I do. How do you respond if it happens?

No I don’t, actually. In my circle of friends, writing “gay erotica” is very cool! My mom’s response when I told her about my erotica career was, “Sure are a lot of weirdos out there.” The only book of mine she’s read is “Apollo’s Curse,” because there’s no sex in it. She loved it, but has no desire to read any of my other books!
I wrote a “real” book, a few years ago. I worked on it on and off for five years. It sold twelve copies. That’s the fate I gave Dane Gale in “Apollo’s Curse,” before he turned to writing romance novels. I gave him this exchange on the Greek island that pretty much says how I feel about writing romances now:

“But what I need, isn’t just…success, money, fame. I…what I’ve been writing, what the others before me wrote, it’s just…commercial fiction, airport fiction. Popular romances. I don’t want that to be my legacy, I don’t want that to be the last thing I ever write.”
“What’s wrong with romance? Don’t you bring pleasure into people’s lives? Don’t strange and wonderful stories heal their aches, take them from their sorrows?”
“Yes, but…”
“Maybe you’re being a bit selfish, yes?” He put on a dark, mocking scowl. “ ‘I am writing a Great Novel nobody will read, which is so much more important than making people happy.’”
I had to laugh. “Yes, I guess that is selfish. But…I have it in me, I know I do. To do something…wonderful. Something that’s so much more powerful, so much more…well, healing, if you will, than any little entertainment I concoct could ever do.” I looked at his shelves, saw the surprising variety of books – lots and lots of novels, Umberto Eco, Gunter Grass, Doris Lessing, George Eliot. “You know. You’ve read these books. You know how much more they do in the world than some…fluff could ever do.”
“Don’t underestimate the power of fluff. The power to make someone smile, to get them through to another day, take them away from their cares for a moment. Maybe later, you’ll have helped them feel stronger, maybe later they will read ‘Ulysses,’ yes?”


And finally, having nothing to do with writing at all, tell me about your dream vacation.

Oh boy. A whole summer in Europe. Nick in the “Kyle’s New Stepbrother” series gets to live out my fantasy, just moving from one place to another on a Eurail pass as the whim takes him. I’d have to have the money to do it right; Nick’s young and can crash in hostels and stretch a dollar! But I’d need my comforts. I’d love to see so much of France, Italy, Germany, Amsterdam, Barcelona…yeah, I’d need a whole summer!


Brad, I want to thank you again for stopping by and wish you good luck with your writing.

Thank you so much, Bey! I really appreciate your having me here!


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Interview with F.E. Feeley Jr., Horror and Romance Author

Today I’d like to welcome F.E. Feeley Jr. to my blog, author of the highly rated Memoirs of the Human Wraiths series.


Hello and welcome to my blog, Frederick. Thank you for agreeing to answer some questions. :)

First off, let me say congratulations on the new book! I just finished Still Waters and rather enjoyed it. Can you tell us a little about it? And, where did you get the idea for the story?

Thank you so much for having me here, today. And thank you for buying and reading it. That means a great deal and I am glad you liked it.

Still Waters is about an average town in anywhere U.S.A really. I chose Michigan because that’s where I’m from, but the concept was little towns and desperation to keep secrets. It started off with the idea of a murdered kid. And it developed from there. Why was he killed? Who did it? What were the circumstances surrounding his death. Who loved him? To be honest, it was not just addressing the gay community, although the character is gay, but our nation as a whole. We’re seeing a lot of dead kids lately, Trayvon Martin, or kids who have taken their own lives and it sort of started compounding from there. I wanted to address issues such as image, and diversity, and the extremes people would go to keep the status quo.


You’re writing in a niche subgenre (horror) within an already niche genre (m/m romance). Have you found that it makes finding readers more difficult?

Yes. I do find it difficult to find readers. But I think people really need to understand something or maybe give my books a chance anyway, even if they aren’t particularly fond of horror or paranormal books. What I like to do, Is take everyday issues and throw them waaaaaay out into the world of ghosts and the paranormal. I do this to simply make them more digestible. It’s hard to write about the darker sides of human nature in a contemporary way. At least it is for me. So what I do, I thrill you a little and then hopefully get my point across somewhere in the book. And on top of that, who doesn’t love a good spooky story? I think if gay people are going to be represented in literature, they should be represented in all literature.


I see that you’ve gone the traditional publishing route. What made you decide on that?

I had no idea what I was doing. My husband would say I still don’t lol. But I was going through a hard time a couple of years ago and started journaling and once I’d written oodles of pages I sat back and asked myself, ‘What are you going to do with this?” So, I decided, why not take chunks out of it at a time and start wrapping them in fiction? And that is how The Haunting of Timber Manor was born. I’d sat down at my computer, asked myself how do spooky novels start and the answer came back, “On a dark and stormy night….” So I went from there. I never even knew this genre existed. I had no earthly idea. And then when I was done I went looking for a publisher. Submitted the story and forgot about it. I nearly had a stroke when I opened my email one day and there was a contract from Dreamspinner Press. After that, I figured, if they would take a chance on me, I’ll stick with them. I haven’t regretted a moment of it. Their staff is excellent. They treat you wonderfully. The process for publishing is always thorough from first drafts to art, they work right alongside you.


I love horror. The very first “grown-up” book I ever read was Stephen King’s It. What was the first horror story you read?

I was reading since I can remember. It started in middle school with R.L. Stein’s Fear Street books and went on to Christopher Pike. And then in high school I jumped forward into V.C.Andrews, Tami Hoag, and just about anything or anyone I could get my hands on. Then I was given Stephen King’s Wastelands, book 3 of The Dark Tower and I was instantly over the moon. I became a King fan real quick. The scariest book I ever read from him was The Shining.
I also became a Koontz fan as well. Lightning, The Mask, and Twilight Eyes are amazing.


Can you tell us some of your all-time favourite horror stories (books or movies)?

I am a thirty four year old man that sleeps with his closet door shut, thanks to 1982’s Poltergeist. I won’t get into the ocean past my waist thanks to Jaws. But my favorite books that I’ve read and reread is King’s The Stand and Koontz’s Twilight Eyes. Amazing books.


I remember after reading some stories, I had a few creepy nights. Has there been a horror story that make you keep the light on?

HAHAHAHAHA I forgot about this but yeah, King’s Cycle of the Werewolf. I was terrified for days and slept with the light on.


Why the romance aspect in your books?

I love serendipity. I love, love. I think love is the only that can save this world we live in. And I think that people need to see gay men in love to understand that it isn’t just sex that motivate us. I feel like, even though I write in this genre, I am part of a global discussion on this issue and as a gay man, I intend to not just join, but lead.


What's next? Are you currently working on something?

I am kinda sorta working on something. I don’t know if it is going to come to fruition. I am hoping it does. But its sort of up in the air right now so we’ll see.


Any advice for aspiring writers? Anything you wish someone had told you when you were starting out?

Pay attention to the world around you. And take, I think it was Hemingway, take Hemingway’s advice and sit down at your device and bleed. Give it all you got.


And finally: what do you enjoy the most about writing?

The process of weaving a story together from an idea. And then going through the gamut of emotions along with everyone. And then dropping myself inside the story as a beacon so the reader doesn’t have to go through it alone. I have this personal rule. I will get you to your happy ending, but you have to go through the dark with me first. Your gonna earn it. I promise I’ll be with you through it, but yeah, you’re going through it.

Thanks again for letting me host you on my blog. Good luck and happy writing!


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A rambly post about romance

I've always sort of cringed at the thought of romance. Flowers, candy, I-Love-Yous... oh... I don't know... walking hand in hand and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes in the moonlight?

Not really my thing.

I wrote something on Facebook a few weeks ago about how what I write is not romantic. I worded it as a statement, but it was actually a question. See, since I first published Caged I've been reading the reviews carefully, curious as to what others thought, but mostly what they felt, about my work. I've always been curious about feelings. What I get is that my writing is dark, angsty, sexy... but is it romantic?

But... wait. What is "romantic" anyway. Let's go look at the good ol' MW, shall we?


adjective \rō-ˈman-tik, rə-\

: of, relating to, or involving love between two people
: making someone think of love : suitable for romance
: thinking about love and doing and saying things to show that you love someone

It's about love.

When I look at Caged and Sacrificed... all I see is love. The ongoing story is so shot through with it that I feel the resonance between their hearts and bleed with them when they do. It's raw feeling...

But, it's not romance for everyone, that's for sure. Very little "fluff" and I'm not big on spoken I-Love-Yous, not when you can say it better with your body in a hundred different ways.

Then I wrote Sarge. 

One thing that I asked my beta readers was whether they thought it was too sweet... something that some readers of Sarge will undoubtedly laugh at me for asking.

But, to me, it really is a very sweet love story.

Shit... somehow, through writing, I've found my romantic side.




Varian Krylov – Author

Today we have Varian Krylov, author of Dangerously Happy and the recently published and highly-acclaimed Bad Things


Howdy Varian and welcome to my blog!

Why don't you describe yourself as a writer in ten words or less.

Intuitive, selfish, indulgent, seeking, probing, hopeful, despairing, provocative, problematic, improving.


Why do you write?

I've always written, because I've always felt the urge to write. Well, I shouldn't exaggerate—I started when I was five or six. There always seems to be a seed of a story sprouting in my head, and once I feel it tickling my brain, writing it down is like scratching an itch.

I also love playing with language. There were a few years where I wrote nothing but poetry, and those notebooks fill up two copy paper boxes in my storage unit.

But I also write my novels because I enjoy exploring my ideas about relationships and sexuality through the characters I dream up. More and more, I realize that in some ways I'm two people, sexually, and there's a side of my sexual psyche that can only be satisfied through fiction. That side of me absolutely thrives on dynamics and practices that I don't really enjoy in my personal life. And even though it's infinitely more laborious, I enjoy writing these kinds of stories more than reading them.


Have you ever hated one of your characters?

Not any of my main characters, but there are a few secondary characters—especially in After—that I'd like to put in an iron maiden.


Any thoughts about the occasional and surprising vitriol when there’s a little F inserted into M/M?

Haha, it's a perplexing phenomenon. When I wrote my first three novels, I was always anxious readers were going to stone me for spicing up a primarily hetero romance with a side serving of manlove, but I never heard a word of complaint. I confess I was startled when I got schooled in the dangers of letting a lady in on the action in a gay romance. It's not so surprising to me that a gay man wouldn't want to read that, but what caught me off guard was how many female readers of m/m are adamant about not wanting any sex scenes to include women. Personally, I'm very drawn to menage stories, and I find a three way dynamic not only exciting, but in many ways it feels like the ideal balance, at least in fiction. And I write a lot of M/M/F menage. But as sexual beings and as readers, we all have things that repel us, emotionally and erotically, and I've come to understand better that for a lot of readers of M/M, the appearance of a vagina destroys the fantasy they're immersed in.


What made you go indie instead of going through a traditional publishing model?

I had a brief brush with a publisher, who approached me years ago, before self-publishing was so accessible, about publishing Abduction. But during the negotiation of the contract, I came to feel that I was being left with too much of the risk, for how much share in the reward I was handing over to the publisher, so ultimately I declined their offer.

Nowadays, it seems to me that if you're willing to do a bit of tedious work, like formatting your manuscript and hiring an editor and someone to do a decent cover design, you're better off self-publishing and keeping all your royalties. Because publishers seem to do very little, considering what a huge percentage of your royalties you're giving up.


Do you have any advice for aspiring writers on how to cope with bad reviews?

Be professional. Event the best writers in the world have critics, and no book is going to be universally liked. Let it sting for a second, then think about it calmly, and see if there's anything in the review that can help you be a better writer.

My first novel, Abduction, is one I still get long and heartfelt notes about; something about that story really struck some people. But a couple reviewers were pretty brutal in criticizing it as being wordy, redundant, and way too long. I was so in love with my story that for years I shrugged off those critiques. But recently I went back and read it, and had to admit they were dead right. So I edited the hell out of it, and I think it's a much better book, now.


Since this is for National M/M month, what do you feel you bring to the genre?

Enthusiasm! Haha.

I'd say a distinguishing characteristic of all my novels is that the central characters confront and overcome their fears through sex. I think I'm a bit notorious for how extensive and explicit the sexual encounters are in my writing, and they're always twined up with the characters coming to terms with something that's holding them back from fulfillment and happiness. My novels are all dark, to different degrees and in different ways; they express my perspective that in life, on both the individual and societal level, fear is omnipresent and corrosive. So I thrive on exploring people struggling through their fear, taking terrible, beautiful risks, and clawing their way to joy.


What are you working on now?

I have a massive three-novel work in progress: these three new novels will be set in the same world—a fictional, present-day region in the chaos of civil war. So, it's a dangerous, complex story world, with high-stakes conflict that will go far beyond the perilous dance of eroticism and romance.


Thank you, Varian!


Can you tell I'm excited?

It's available right now from the CreateSpace eStore. It will be available at Amazon (all stores) in 5-7 business days and in the expanded distribution channels in 6-8 Weeks.

There's just something really neat about holding your very first book. Having it on your Kindle is one thing... but holding the physical version in your hand? That's special.


So... in another vein:

There are definite downsides to not reading your own genre. For one, I don't know what are considered clichés or just overdone in romance/erotica. For another, I can't recommend work like my own because I don't know who else writes historical fantasy romance erotica (if that's what mine is). That's what happened this week - a fan contacted me asking if I had suggestions to tide them over until I finish the sequel to Caged. I had no idea what to say.

Sorry N - maybe someone will respond to this post with suggestions. I will let you know.


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Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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