Cover & Blurb Reveal, Flash Fiction, and Giveaway!

Want to know what I've been up to? I've written a new take on an old fairy tale... in spaaaaace. Yup. :) And you know what? I'm giving away three copies!

Go over to Boy Meets Boy Reviews and take a peek at the cover and blurb for the new book, enter to win a copy of it, and then read a quickie called "Christos and the Mist"

...His grandmother laughed, waving off his apology. “Oh, I don’t care. I was only teasing. But you’re looking for trouble with all of… this.” She made a sweeping gesture encompassing him from head to toe.“What do you mean?”

“You’re such a beautiful boy, Chrisaki mou,” she replied. “You’re going to catch Zeus’s eye with all that beauty… he won’t be able to resist getting a better look at you.”
Chris snorted a laugh. “What?”
“You’ll never even see him coming—swan, bull, eagle… a shower of gold,” she said, her brown eyes twinkling with mischief as she waggled her fingers above Chris. “Next thing you know, he’ll snatch you up and have his way with you.” [Read the rest :) ]


Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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