"Je t'aime."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I love you."
"No... No, you don't."
"I do."
"You're just upset because he's seeing someone else. Call me when you start thinking with your dick again."
"God... you're an asshole."
"See, that's better. Yes. I am an asshole. Now go peddle your love somewhere else... I don't want it."
"You're crying? That's it..."
"Don't hang up! Please? Ok? Ok? I've stopped."
"I don't need this."
"But... Listen... I thought you and I were—"
"But I thought—"
"Do you enjoy hurting me?"
"I don't care one way or the other."
"Jesus... Why do you have to say that? Don't you know what it feels like to have your heart crapped all over?"
"Actually... I don't. No one's been able to find mine."
There was a long pause where he could hear sniffling and hitched breathing on the other end. Closing his eyes, he let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead.
"Ok. Listen... Stop fucking crying. Get some sleep. Take a day to get your head on straight. Then we'll talk."
"Can I come over?"
"Maybe tomorrow."
"What the fuck did I just say?"
"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry."
"I don't want you to be sorry. I want you to stop crying and pay attention to my words so I don't have to repeat myself."
"I will. I promise."
"Now go to bed like a good boy."
"I will. Then we'll talk tomorrow?"
"Then we'll talk, yes... But, if you ever want your dick anywhere near my ass again, leave the 'I love you' crap out of it."
"Ok. I promise."
He hung up, lit another cigarette, and ducked out the window to the fire escape. The night breeze was cool on his bare chest and he smiled as he stood watching the twinkling city lights below.
Just a rambling post
Work on Baal's Heart 3 is going well now that I've gotten over a tiny bout of writer's block. For a few weeks there it was like squeezing blood from a stone. I'm right around the 55% mark, if it's going to be as long as I think it will. Not going to be finished before leaving in a few weeks though... Ah well, c'est la vie. Can't settle on a fucking name! I'm just going to call it The Baal's Heart Three. ;)
Conundrum when it comes to rating books now that I'm an author. Asked around what others do, and it varies wildly. Should authors rate other authors' books? What if you read a book that you just can't finish? Authors support each other, but authors also do compete... You want to maintain good relations. Right? In the short time I've been an author, I've seem some pretty petty shit going down.
I think I might just not rate any books unless I can rate them high.
Leaving for vacation in just over two weeks. Sun, sand, rum... water so blue it looks photoshopped. I'll be so glad to be out of this fucking snow. :)
A rambly post about romance
I've always sort of cringed at the thought of romance. Flowers, candy, I-Love-Yous... oh... I don't know... walking hand in hand and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes in the moonlight?
Not really my thing.
I wrote something on Facebook a few weeks ago about how what I write is not romantic. I worded it as a statement, but it was actually a question. See, since I first published Caged I've been reading the reviews carefully, curious as to what others thought, but mostly what they felt, about my work. I've always been curious about feelings. What I get is that my writing is dark, angsty, sexy... but is it romantic?
But... wait. What is "romantic" anyway. Let's go look at the good ol' MW, shall we?
adjective \rō-ˈman-tik, rə-\
: of, relating to, or involving love between two people
: making someone think of love : suitable for romance
: thinking about love and doing and saying things to show that you love someone
It's about love.
When I look at Caged and Sacrificed... all I see is love. The ongoing story is so shot through with it that I feel the resonance between their hearts and bleed with them when they do. It's raw feeling...
But, it's not romance for everyone, that's for sure. Very little "fluff" and I'm not big on spoken I-Love-Yous, not when you can say it better with your body in a hundred different ways.
Then I wrote Sarge.
One thing that I asked my beta readers was whether they thought it was too sweet... something that some readers of Sarge will undoubtedly laugh at me for asking.
But, to me, it really is a very sweet love story.
Shit... somehow, through writing, I've found my romantic side.
Thanks, Joe Hardy.
A few months ago when I started talking to my now-editor, I joked that I was Tom Hardy's twin brother Joe (due to my habit of using Hardy as my icon online... not that he has a twin brother for real ). Fast forward to last week when, out of nowhere, I was reminded that my first love just happened to have been named Joe Hardy.
Yup. Joe Hardy from The Hardy Boys books.
This is how he's described on the wikipedia page:
Joe Hardy is 17 years old, with light blond hair, blue eyes, and a muscular frame.
Dreamy, right? *laughs* That's him and his brother on the spine
Ah, Joe. I don't think I pined longer for any other fictional character (sorry, Rick Hunter from Robotech and Dusty from GI Joe... and Spiderman). He just seemed so perfect to me. Not as bright as his older brother Frank, certainly... but Joe went with his gut, something I really admired.
I met Joe when my mother's youngest cousin—we'll call him Richard—dropped off a big box of books at my house one day when I was around eight years old. I really idolized Richard. He was the coolest guy I knew... I wanted to grow up to be just like him: he was 6'4, looked a little like David Bowie, had gerbils, read comic books, and had a computer. He even had a really cool fake fur rug in his room. So you can understand my excitement at inheriting a box of his stuff. I looked inside and saw nothing but blue books. They looked sort of dull from the side, a little like a set of encyclopaedias, but the covers were interesting when I pulled them out and, when I cracked open that first musty book... I fell in love.
I had the first 37 books in the series - The Tower Treasure to The Ghost at Skeleton Rock. I must have read them all at least a dozen times.
Now... not only was I in love with Joe, but I discovered something about myself over the course of that first year. And it was due to this cover:
There was something crazy interesting about this cover for me. It was the look on Joe's face. The fact that the gag pressed into his skin. The way he was restrained. It made me feel... excited.
I would lie in bed and think about Joe tied up a lot.
Eventually fantasies grew out of it.
Joe and I would be alone in the room together. He was tied to the chair just like in the cover, but it was me who had tied him up. I would start to touch him - his face, his neck, his shoulders over his shirt. He would struggle, and his eyes would plead with me. I would laugh and shake my head. Sometimes I would straddle him so I could hold his head steady while I forced him to look into my eyes. I wanted him to know that I was the boss and that he had to do what I said—to let me touch him and maybe even kiss him (hey I was nine)—and I would let him go. I often wanted to punish him for struggling. Sometimes I would take out a knife and start cutting his shirt off. Sometimes I'd cut the gag off too so I could hear him beg and promise to be good...
It was intoxicating.
Now... looking back, the fantasies were a bit on the abuse/non-con side, but I was just going on what was making me excited. In fact, in my fantasies, Joe always realized that he was in love with me and it would be a mutual happy ending.
It would take another eight years before I made the stunning discovery that there existed people out there that wanted to be tied up. That enjoyed begging. That got off on giving me complete control.
And that, my friends, was a glorious, fan-fuckingtastic day for me.
So... a big thank you to Joe, the first Hardy I obsessed over, for introducing me to my kinky side. *grin*
Fan Mail Wednesday – picture-post edition.
Welcome to another round of fan mail Wednesday!
I just received what is probably one of the oddest questions so far, so I thought I'd turn my answer into a blog post.
Ann writes: You probably get asked what you actually look like all the time so I will ask a different question. What do you smell like?
Hi Ann! What do I smell like? Hmm. Well, most of the time I smell like:
and, if I'm being honest, probably a little of:
Thank you for writing to me, Ann! I love random emails. I'm glad you enjoyed Caged.
I don't cry a lot. In fact, I can't remember the last time it happened. I can think of one time, and that was nearly three years ago.
I don't like crying. Some say it's catharsis. To me, it's just a stuffy nose and a slight headache if it goes on a bit. I have other ways of relieving tension.
I have an ex who used to argue that I was heartless because I don't find certain movies sad.
Just today I was talking to someone about how I don't like endings, so here are four movies I can't watch the end of for fear that they'll make me cry... because it happened before:
1. Brokeback Mountain - watched late at night at the office along with too much to drink. Cried like a baby.
2. Terminator 2 - need I say more?
3. Armageddon - ok, I may have daddy issues.
4. Dances with Wolves - Ugh. Two Socks.
I watch these but turn them off before the Bad Things happen. Cowardly or just avoiding a stuffy nose? Take your pick.
What movies make you cry?
Down on my knees in mud made from equal parts dirt and blood, I survey the damage done to Sarge. His left eye’s completely gone; it’s just a big, wet red hole where the charge went in. Thankfully, it’s cauterized some, so the bleeding is minimal. There’s nothing I can really do about it; he’ll have to get it replaced at the chop n’ change at HQ, and that’s a half-hour hike that might as well be on the other side of the planet as long as the sun’s still up.
I pop open a compartment in my hip and take out a pin-sticker of hubba bubba. I jab it into his neck and sit back to check if any of this goddamned blood is my own while I let the painkiller work its magic. HeBA, or Hexa-Benactryl Almeanotroxene, is a synthetic compound that’s part homegrown and part alien; the fact that the shit is bright fucking pink gets me thinking that the squinters and grinders that make it were actively hoping for the nickname.
It doesn’t take long. The hubba’s pretty potent. Up until this point, the Sarge’s been staring off to the side, his face tense, not saying a word. The wound’s gotta hurt like hell, but this is the Sarge. He’s a legend. Hell, even I’d be tempted to cry a little if some asshole blew a hole in my head. When he finally turns to me, his right eye looks blankly somewhere over my shoulder, and there’s no expression on his face.
“Soldier?” he says, like he doesn’t know who I am. He’s still not looking directly at me, and it dawns on me right then that maybe he can’t see.
“Y’sir,” I reply. My voice is in the basement end of the register, all gravel and boom. Half of what I say ends up sounding like a grunt, but that’s fine with me. I don’t say much.
Giffy blog post because all the cool kids are doing it

This summer can bite my shiny metal ass... so far it's been nice a handful of days, but, in between, the barometer's been playing yo-yo. Nicht so gut for my sinuses.

I hit a slow spot with the writing. Just staring at the page going "B... lover, please just trust me, ok?" It'll get done, it just feels like cat-wrangling at the moment.
I wonder if I'm ever going to get any better at replying to fan mail? My responses of "Glad you enjoyed it!" and "Thanks so much!" are so impersonal. I lack the words mostly because I've got a d’aw shucks kind of thing going on.
You might think I'm all:
when I get fan mail, but in truth I'm more like:

You know what? Somewhere between today and Sunday marks the one year anniversary of the day I started to write stuff! I can't remember exactly when. I keep thinking the 28th but it may have actually been the 26th.
It's been a really weird year, and I've rather enjoyed it as a whole. I wonder what the next year will bring? More writing, definitely.
Cheers to everyone who's been part of the process... my friends, family, fans, and the lovely folks like my new editor (hi Starr!) and fellow authors who have been there for me. Here's to you!
Things that make me go blech.
I often say that I have no triggers and nothing makes me squeamish.
But that's a bloody lie.
Here is what makes me squeamish: spoiled food.
I can't for the life of me open an old container of food if I know there is a strong possibility that there is mould in it. Or if it might smell bad, even to my limited sense of smell. I will just throw the container out to avoid that.
Right now there is a container of old coleslaw that someone left here a few weeks ago. My eyes go fuzzy every time I spot it because I know that it has gone bad and the container is see-through. I don't want to see that.
Arr matey!
People find it hi-lar-ious that I wrote a book about gay pirates. I am getting bombarded by pirate-themed messages, including cute gifts like this little fella. My friends think they're funny.
Writing is going well. I'm at a part in the book where it's basically been fully written in my brain for months so putting it to 'paper' is going smooth. Three chapters in three days... about 10k words.
Every once in a while when I sit down to write a scene, my characters rebel. I'm glad that they do... They know themselves and keep me on the right path.
Tom: "Listen mate, do ye really think I'd be as daft as that? Come now... be a dove and change it, aye?"
Baltsaros: "I hope you're planning on rectifying this in the next few chapters. I can't see this working in the long run. You've done much better in the past. If I were you, I would redo it."
Jon: "Do I really sound like that? Really? I thought we were over that..."
Unfortunately I think I have to put one of my projects on hold. I might wait to continue Sentenced to the Sword in the fall - I just have too much to do these days, and my writing is paying the price.
This time around, for Beyond the Spires, I'm thinking of hiring an editor. Maybe. I'm just really bad at letting others touch my stuff. Juvenile, I know. All my report cards growing up said approximately the same thing: Gifted. Does not play well with others.
I'll think about it more. Weigh my options.
Today is a gorgeous day... I think I may actually go read outside and catch up with all the books that are going unread on my Kindle.