Caged is Awesome Indies Approved!



What does this mean? you ask. Well, for one it means that has been awarded a place on the Awesome Indies list of quality independent fiction.

The Awesome Indies mission is to:

  • identify and honour independently published books that meet the same standard as books published by major mainstream publishers and their imprints,
  • promote and support AIA authors and their books,
  • raise the standard of independent publishing,
  • assist authors to achieve quality through our author’s services,
  • raise the image of independently published books amongst readers.

Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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