Interview with Captain Baltsaros – Hop Against Homophobia, Bi- and Transphobia 2015

May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - and I am participating in the HAHBT!


I'm lucky to live in a country where same-sex marriage has been legal for over a decade. I'm lucky to live in a city where a rainbow flag hangs in the council chambers of the borough that includes Le Village the largest gay village in North America

I'm lucky that I live in a city that embraces diversity and celebrates openness with festivals like Fierté Montréal and Divers/Cité

Shitty things still happen here, but I'd like to believe that acceptance will only gain momentum.

So, for fun today, I thought I would have a chat with Captain Baltsaros from my Baal's Heart trilogy about his sexual orientation.

I will also be giving away a digital copy of one of my books to one lucky winner. All you have to do is comment on this post to be entered in a random draw (late on May 24th).




Captain, I'd like to start off by saying thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

You're very welcome. It's my pleasure... Whenever you're ready. *smiles*

Thank you! Ok... first off, do you consider yourself bisexual?

"Bisexual" would imply that there is a dichotomy of the sexes.

And you don't believe in that?

While yes, most people fall into one category or another, in my experience it's more like a gradient. I have been with a number of individuals who do not fit neatly into such a simplistic method of categorization.

Ah. Ok. *laughs* Sounds like you've had quite the life.

Indeed I have. *chuckles* But let us say yes, for the sake of this interview,  I am sexually attracted to both men and women.

When did you discover this about yourself?

I think I've always known. I've never been particularly fussy about a person's genitalia.

But do you have a preference?

Are we speaking about sex or about relationships?

Both I guess.

For sex... I only have a preference in terms of the pitch of a person's voice.

I'm not following you.

I'm a sadist. I derive great sexual pleasure from inflicting pain on a person. If that person's voice is shrill, as some women's are, it becomes intolerable after a certain point.

*blinks* Ah.

A good gag usually dampens the screams though.

I bet it does.

*laughing* Am I making you uncomfortable?

Erm. No, actually.

No? Interesting. *smiles charmingly*

Uh... ok, about relationships?

I am currently bound to two incredible young men. Previous to Jon and Tom, I was involved with a woman for a short period of time, and before that, a man for an even shorter period. I am not good at maintaining relationships because I lack certain qualities required for a satisfying union.

But it's working out well with Jon and Tom?

Yes. Surprisingly so.

And what about them, are they bisexual as well?

I would say... no. Tom derives pleasure from doing what he is told. Man, woman... that doesn't matter. What matters to him is whether I am enjoying the outcome. Left to his own devices, however, I would say that he would seek out men exclusively. Jon on the other hand is somewhat of a mystery... to himself as well. He was with a woman once in my presence, but whether sex or gender had anything to do with why he was not enjoying himself is hard to say. He seems to be sexually attracted solely to those he has feelings towards.

Sounds like he's demisexual.

I'm not familiar with that term.

A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.

That does sound about right.

Ok... last question: Have you ever experienced any kind of negativity due to your sexual orientation?

Well, of course. There are religious zealots that would love to stretch my neck for having sexual relations with men. I've also been seen as a "threat" by some because no one is "safe" from my advances, which is utterly ludicrous and insulting to say the least. Just because I don't have a preference doesn't mean I'm some sort of perverse sexual deviant, nor does it mean that I'm afraid or ashamed of making a choice. I just don't have a preference. End of story.

I understand completely, Captain. That's all the questions I had. Thanks so much for taking the time to speak to me today, and say hello to the boys for me.

I will. Thank you, Bey. It's always a pleasure... and I hope it's not too long before we speak again.


Keep on hopping:

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