I don't cry a lot. In fact, I can't remember the last time it happened. I can think of one time, and that was nearly three years ago.
I don't like crying. Some say it's catharsis. To me, it's just a stuffy nose and a slight headache if it goes on a bit. I have other ways of relieving tension.
I have an ex who used to argue that I was heartless because I don't find certain movies sad.
Just today I was talking to someone about how I don't like endings, so here are four movies I can't watch the end of for fear that they'll make me cry... because it happened before:
1. Brokeback Mountain - watched late at night at the office along with too much to drink. Cried like a baby.
2. Terminator 2 - need I say more?
3. Armageddon - ok, I may have daddy issues.
4. Dances with Wolves - Ugh. Two Socks.
I watch these but turn them off before the Bad Things happen. Cowardly or just avoiding a stuffy nose? Take your pick.
What movies make you cry?