Murphy: “Another fantastic work by Bey Deckard” @ Joyfully Jay

Michelle says:

"Another fantastic work by Bey Deckard and equal time must be devoted to discussing the story line, characters, and the words themselves. The story picks up shortly after the devastation of their last mission in Sarge. The book is written in first person, present tense that is spectacularly executed. The author crafts the story so we are looking out at the world alternately through the eyes of both Sarge and Murphy and we know what they know and see what they see.

Murphy is sure and steady when it comes to his feelings for Sarge. It’s Sarge that is becoming blindsided by his feelings for Murphy. There is a constant internal push and pull as Sarge struggles on how much he wants to let Murphy in. On the outside, Sarge is emotionally impaired and a product of his military environment, but we don’t only see him from the outside. It is entertaining to watch his emotional range as Murphy keeps encroaching on his heart and there is unexpected humor rounding out their interactions.

The language, especially for Sarge, is appropriately gruff and it cuts right through to the core of the characters. The narrative is bare and stripped down while fully conveying every movement needed to fully bring the characters, as well as the setting, into full living color as Deckard creates three dimensional characters one brilliant word at a time. I found my eyes retracing phrases as I was reading as the language is perfectly chosen and offers the characters every single thing they need."

Read the whole, amazing review here at Joyfully Jay

Praise for Fated: Blood and Redemption at Joyfully Jay

Michelle at Joyfully Jay says:

"The writing once again takes center stage and once again it absolutely has to be recognized. The author has a respect for the art of story telling and a command of language, or several languages as the case may be here. There are flashbacks throughout the story that move the adventure along with a history that has been well layered and presented throughout the trilogy. We know these characters so well that the flashbacks transition as seamlessly and effortlessly as a recalled memory. It is also effortless to step back into this universe as the world here is once again richly detailed and the words assemble themselves in perfect alignment, creating a series of perfect moments with a striking visual intensity. The characters all have distinct voices that remain true with every word and the characters thrive on the conflict that is forced upon them time and again. I can offer a five-star rating and can say Deckard’s writing is impressive and that he is wickedly and wildly talented, and while it’s all true, it somehow sounds ordinary when in fact it is extraordinary."

Read the rest of this amazing review at Joyfully Jay

Joyfully Jay gives Sarge 5 Stars!

Michelle says:

"While in a futuristic setting complete with a visual of the world they are in, there is an almost equal balance of character development interwoven throughout the story where one would not work without the other. Deckard weaves a theme through his books of the men who long to be told they are good boys, and their counterpoints, the men who want to love them back even when they can’t or won’t admit it to themselves. The author is able to subtlety expose and peel back the intimate layers of these men. This elevates the book from a simple story to a uniquely crafted character exploration, even when all of their secrets are not offered."

Read the whole review at Joyfully Jay

Joyfully Jay gives Sacrificed 5 Stars!

Michelle says:

"Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas was the debut novel of author and writer Bey Deckard so it was not possible to know what to expect from that first story. However, I was then anticipating grand things with the sequel, SacrificedHeart Beyond the Spires, and I was indeed rewarded with a flawlessly written, epic adventure."

Read the rest at Joyfully Jay

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