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Do you like things dark? Massive spotlight post and giveaway!

Over at Diverse Reader there's a big giveaway happening featuring such authors as Nicholas Bella, R Phoenix As Raissa, Joseph Lance Tonlet, Louis Stevens, Jenna Johanis, Varian Krylov, Brina Brady, Jack L Pyke, Wulf Francú Godgluck... and myself! Seriously a fun spotlight post of Dark Erotica: each author had the choice of providing an excerpt, telling you about one of their books using one of their characters, or telling you why they chose to go dark.

PLUS there's a giveaway. The prizes are:

  • Don’t Series (4 books: Don’t, Antidote, Breakdown, & Backlash) by Jack L Pyke
  • Signed paperback copy of Better the Devil You Know by me
  • ebook copy of Of Gods and Monsters books 1 and 2 (Menoetius and Hades) by Wulf Francu Godgluck
  • ebook copy of Owned by R. Phoenix
  • 2 winners will win blacklist books by Brina Brady
  • One CID Audiobook or ebook by Nicholas Bella
  • ebook copy of Drago Star and Slash Op by J. Johanis
  • ebook copy of Bad Things by Varian Krylov
  • Signed paperback copy of Quillon’s Covert from Joseph Lance Tonlet

Go check it out now


The Real Deal – Guest Post by Joseph Lance Tonlet

My guest today is Joseph Lance Tonlet, author of Grif's Toy and the Amazon-banned Brothers LaFon, two fantastic books that you should really check out if you haven't already. :) When he sent me this blog post, it made me damn happy that I'd get to share it with all of you.

So... Without further ado... Joseph.


Today is my 49th birthday, but this guest post isn't really about my birthday, or even birthdays in general.

When I began this journey of writing, well over a year ago, I also created a social media pen name profile. You know, for places like Facebook, Twitter, etc. It was then, very early on, that I had to decide who Joseph Lance Tonlet would be. Meaning, how much of myself—the real Joe—would be incorporated into the online/fictional JLT.

Society demands we keep certain things to ourselves; i.e. there are topics we just don't share or talk about with anyone lest we be labeled a freak, or a pervert, or worse. In addition, there's the “author branding/appeal” aspect to consider. Indeed, if the goal as a writer is to sell books, then how one presents one's self needs to be considered.

Well-meaning “real life” friends freely gave advice on what parts and pieces I should share, and which I should keep to myself. Their reasoning ran the gamut from maintaining a certain level of mystique, to being cognizant of how people's perceptions of me (JLT) could potentially affect book sales.

The more I listened, the more convoluted and—to be honest—contrived it all sounded. Feeling somewhat disheartened by the whole marketing aspect, I stepped back and asked myself, 1) How inauthentic do you want to be? and 2) What's your goal here? The answers: 1) Like most folks, I want to be as authentic as possible, and 2) My goal is simply to write. Once I did that, asked myself those two basic questions, the decision was easy: I'd be me. The real me. Without question, far more genuine than I dare to be with most “real life” friends and family.

Much to my surprise, I've been embraced in a way I could never have dreamed of. Indeed, the “virtual friendships” I've been fortunate enough to forge have been nothing short of fucking brilliant. And the reason for that? I believe it's because I'm being real—warts, twisted kinks, and all.

Back to the birthday bit. As I mentioned, today is the big four-nine. (A number, by the way, I'm choosing not to dwell on, LOL!) Over the last week, the mailboxes, both real and virtual, have delivered birthday greetings. Receiving cards from family and friends is special, and I'm always very grateful to anyone who has taken time out of their busy day to drop a card in the mail to me. However, this birthday is different. This is Joseph Lance Tonlet's first birthday...and the reason for this writing.

The Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc, etc, etc messages I've receive have seriously bowled me the fuck over. Do JLT's birthday wishes mean as much or hold the same weight as the ones I received for Joe? You're damn right they do. Hell, perhaps even more. Why? Because they're being sent to the “real” me. They're being sent to person I've put out there who is the most authentic version of myself that I've ever been allowed to present. There is nothing more meaningful than that, and to borrow Sally Field's often misquoted quote, "You like me, you really like me!"

So, I guess what this post is really about is expressing my gratitude. My gratitude for your friendship, and my gratitude for embracing the real me in a completely unimaginable way. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!



Joseph, I'm damn proud to call you my friend. Happy birthday, buddy!

PLUS: Go check out the May Birthday Celebration and Giveaway Joseph is participating in over at Two men are better than one for a chance to win a signed paperback or ebook!

A Heartfelt Thank You!

Sometimes the most fulfilling experiences are born out of spur-of-the-moment ideas. The Hot Reads for The Trevor Project was just one of those ideas.

A group of indie authors got together, at the eleventh hour, and decided to do something which expressed our appreciation to our readers for the holidays, while also doing something which embodied the essence of the holidays: the spirit of giving. Hot Reads for The Trevor Project was born.

In less than 24 hours the details were hammered out; additional indie authors were contacted to join in, a charity was selected, books were collected, an online store was created, digital art was developed, and bloggers were solicited to aid in promotion. Again, all this took place in less than 24 hours.

We, the six indie authors, had no expectations regarding the number of sales. However, the package went up for sale, and you showed up; you purchased the bundle AND, in doing so, supported an awesome charity. For that, we are extraordinarily grateful.

The success has cemented our decision to make this an annual event. In fact, we are already kicking around ideas for improvement. Some of which include: a selection of smaller bundles, genre specific bundles (BDSM, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Contemporary, etc.), and work by a greater number of indie authors.

Again, none of this could have been done without the amazing support of you, the m/m readers. You guys are nothing short of wonderful and you have our most heartfelt thanks.

Last, but certainly not least, we’d like to express our sincere gratitude to the blogging community* (listed below**). We approached you at the busiest time of the year—at the last moment—and your support was unwavering and instantaneous.

Our warmest regards and best wishes for a happy new year,

- Rain Carrington
- Bey Deckard
- Varian Krylov
- Matt Ortiz
- Joseph Lance Tonlet
- Brad Vance



* Alphabetically Listed
** We made every attempt to record every supporting blogger and website. However, we have likely overlooked a few. Our most sincere apologies if you are not listed.


Interview with Joseph Lance Tonlet, author of the bestseller Grif’s Toy

Welcome back to my blog, Joseph!

Thanks so much for having me back, Bey—it's such an honor!


So... You've been published for over a month now. How does that feel?

Wow. I'm not sure I can adequately convey the almost overwhelming emotions sharing Grif's Toy with the world invoked. What started as a dream, almost two years ago now, has finally become a reality. It's been truly amazing.


Grif's Toy is doing rather well, I'd say. It ranks as an Amazon bestseller in a few categories and I saw that it was in the top ten for Gay Erotica. That fucking rocks, doesn't it? Were you expecting this sort of reception at all?

*blush* Thanks!

Yeah, it's been fortunate enough to spend a few weeks on the bestsellers list in a few categories. I honestly didn't anticipate the reaction it’s received... No way I really could have. The entire experience has been nothing short of amazing! Grif's Toy is a very personal story and having readers leave such incredible reviews—not to mention the heartfelt messages and emails folks have sent—yeah, it's not something I could have ever anticipated.


Now that you're a self-published author, do you have any advice for people looking to do the same? What have been some of the challenges you've met? What has worked for you? What would you do differently if you could turn back the clock?

I've talked a bit about this before, but self-publishing - as you know - is an incredible amount of work. Every single step in the process, from writing the story to readers finally being able to pick it up from their favorite marketplace, was a new one. I literally went from knowing absolutely nothing about publishing to offering both eBooks and traditional paperbacks of Grif's Toy. To be honest, had I known exactly how much work was involved, I may not have had the courage to actually do it. But, with each step I gained invaluable knowledge that will now allow me to move forward with publishing additional works much more quickly. And, let me just say, most important in the process has been my friends. They’ve so unselfishly offered not only their valuable time, but also their unwavering support. Without question, I could NOT have done it without them!


What are you working on now? Can you tell us a little about them?

I’d be happy to. I have three projects in the works—all at different stages.

The first is Brothers LaFon. It's completed and waiting in the wings. I've scheduled a release date of March 1st. It's a VERY dark novelette (just over sixteen thousand words) and deals with the systematic torture and sexual abuse of one brother by another. I'm an erotic writer, so this torture and abuse are done, without question, to titillate and arouse readers. Also, I'd like to take a quick moment to make it clear that this story is in no way connected to the Tease and Denial Series (Grif's Toy). Potential readers should heed and take very seriously all warnings and tags that accompany the blurb.

Second is Wes' Denial. It’s the sequel to Grif's Toy, and I have a target for a summer release. The story's format is very similar to Grif's Toy—meaning it covers several different timeframes and is non-linear. It not only delves into Wes' past, but it is also a continuation of Grif's Toy.

Third is a joint project with an amazing author that I’m completely thrilled about. But, I’ll save the details of that for another time. *wink*

*winks back* 


Your work is different. It's downright challenging for some to read. Will that affect what you choose to write in the future?

It's funny you should ask that. A friend and I were just talking about this very thing. However, it was in regard to the upcoming Brother's LaFon; it is even darker—substantially so—than Grif's Toy. My friend asked if I was worried about how it will be received. Intellectually, I'd be thrilled if it’s well received. However, when I'm actually writing, that's not something I can allow myself to contemplate. If I worrying too much—about anything—it really stifles my creativity. In the end, I can only write what I write—and then hope readers enjoy and connect with it.


When publishing series, there is a pressure to get the next one out quick as a wink. Are you feeling it (I know I am!)? Does it affect what you focus on?

I published Grif's Toy with absolutely no expectations at all. Zero. In fact, I'll share something with you: a friend and I had a bet that it wouldn't sell twenty-five copies in the first month. I was betting against myself, by the way. That the pre-orders alone far surpassed that number astonished me. And what it's gone on to do since—there are times when I find it completely incomprehensible. I'm SO humbled and grateful.

But back to your question, yeah, there is a bit of pressure now. People connected with Grif in a way I never thought possible. Therefore, I really want Wes' Denial to be special, to be something Grif's fans will enjoy.


I don't know if you've already answered this somewhere before, but let's say someone wants to turn Grif's Toy into a movie. Who would play Grif and Wes? What about the other characters?

Hmm, I'm assuming you mean a mainstream, theatrical movie. But, I'm gonna go with the more adult type of flick—because I'm naughty that way—and say Tayte Hanson would make the perfect Grif, and Rogan Richards would be my choice for Wes.



And finally: Do you plan on staying self-published?

I thoroughly enjoy being self-published for several reasons. One, I'm pretty much a control freak and being able to do things exactly the way I want to is very satisfying. Two, I don't do well, creatively, with deadlines. And three, I'm probably the world's worst procrastinator. So yeah, being self-published seems like a real good fit.

It does indeed. :) Thanks again for stopping by, Joseph, and good luck with your next works! I know I'm looking forward to them. 

Want to know more about Grif's Toy? Visit Joseph's site for buy links, reviews, and sample downloads. You can also check out my review here.

6 Awesome M/M books for $10 – All proceeds to the Trevor Project

So Rain Carrington, Varian Krylov, Matt Ortiz, Joseph Lance Tonlet, Brad Vance and I got together to offer everyone something for the holidays. We're calling it "Hot Reads For The Trevor Project" and all proceeds go to The Trevor Project*

Get ready to lower your thermostat because your winter is about to get hot! For a limited time only, get SIX great reads by some of the hottest authors in M/M! A guilt-free guilty pleasure at an incredibly low price with all proceeds going to The Trevor Project!

So... what are you waiting for? Buy some books for a good cause!

Buy Now


*What is The Trevor Project?
Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.

Review of Grif’s Toy by Joseph Lance Tonlet

This is definitely not my normal sort of read.

How the hell do I rate this? I have no real experience with romances, and this is definitely romantic.

Yet, here I sit here with a grin on my face, heart hammering, feeling a little dazed and in need of a very stiff drink.

I’m going to rate this according to my gut (and, I suppose, other parts of my anatomy) and go with five stars.

On one hand, it’s incredibly hot, full of some of my very favourite things. The fact that Wes and Grif are such an ideal match makes their D/s relationship intensely satisfying (and envying) to read about.

[Am I greedy for wanting more Chocolate?]

On the other hand? Well, it’s one hell of a great fantasy—the kind that is crafted from a deep well of desires, each detail lovingly chosen before it’s polished like a prized possession and placed in just the right sequence to make for a really gratifying story. I found it all terribly attractive, both in plot and execution. A lot of care went into it, and a lot of soul.

As much as the relationship between Grif and Tate was bittersweet… well, what Wes and Grif forge between them is like finding home. And, before I get too sentimental, let me wrap this up:

The truth is, I had a hard time putting Grif’s Toy down, and that felt damn great.

I am eagerly looking forward to the next one.

Good job, Joseph.

Order it here and then add it to your TBR on Goodreads

Joseph Lance Tonlet – M/M Author

Today's interview is with Joseph Lance Tonlet, up and coming author of Grif’s Toy (November, 2014)


Hi Bey. Hi everyone.

Let me start of by saying what a privilege it is to be here. I’m throughly humbled; not only from the fledgling writer perspective, but also being interviewed by someone whose work and creativity I so fervently admire. Yeah, Bey, I consider your invitation a true honor…thanks!

*Grin* My pleasure, Joseph, and thank you!

Why don't you describe yourself as a writer in ten words or less.

Okay, right out of the gate, I’m gonna be a rebel. I hope you’ll indulge me *naughty smile*. Stephen King is quoted as saying, “The road to hell is paved with adjectives.” He, along with many other successful writers/editors/etc. have voiced an extreme dislike of adjectives. I, on the other hand, adore them. So, rather than describing myself in ten words, I’m going to instead share the ten adjectives which best describe me as a writer.

01. Indefatigable
02. Passionate
03. Empathetic
04. Inexpert
05. Sensitive
06. Enthusiastic
07. Appreciative
08. Provocative
09. Erotic
10. Twisted

What prompted you to start writing?

As with many M/M writers, I’m an M/M reader first. I started out in my early teens reading Gordon Merrick, and continue to enjoy the genre with works by contemporary writers such as yourself, Kol Anderson, Jack L. Pyke, Rhys Ford, and countless others.

As for how I started writing. A friend and I were doing a buddy read of Brook McKinley's Shades of Gray. One night we sat at dinner, talking about the book, and he asked, “Do you ever think about writing a novel of your own?” The truth was, I’d been pondering doing just that—for years. I love writing, I love reading, and writing a book had been a dream of mine since high school. With my friend’s unwavering encouragement, I finally put pen to paper and wrote Grif’s Toy.

What character was/is the hardest for you to write and why?

Without a doubt, this would be Alex. Alex is one of the main characters of Brothers; my current work in progress. Alex is systematically, and repeatedly abused—from early childhood through young adulthood—by his sadistic, elder brother, Miah. (Note: Brothers, with its heavy non-con storyline, will cater to a niche M/M readership.) Telling Alex and Miah’s complex, and oftentimes disturbing, story has kept me up more than a few nights. And that, in and of itself, has been difficult; not being able to sleep simply because the story isn’t fully written yet.

Do you write every day? When do you find is the best time to write?

When I’m writing, I do write everyday. However, there are countless aspects of being ‘an author’ that, unfortunately, have very little to do with the actual ‘fun’ part of writing. When I am writing, I tend to be most inspired in the early morning (before 6AM) [Bey: way too early] or in the late evening (after 9PM). The quietness which accompanies these times of day strokes my inner creativity in a unique way.

Since this is for National M/M Month, what do you think you bring to the genre in particular?

Wow, that’s a tough one. Well, I believe every writer brings their own distinctive style to the genre. But, more importantly, writing is an incredibly personal endeavor—perhaps one of the most personal of all art forms—and the end result can be astonishingly intimate. My first and second books, to a large extent, detail my personal journey; they contain my innermost fears, hopes, setbacks, and triumphs. Will other authors have similar life experiences? Sure. Without question. Will anyone else tell the same story—in the same way? I don’t think that’s even remotely possible. All of us, every writer, tells his or her stories in their own beautiful and unique way. That, more than anything, is why I return to the genre over and over again; I enjoy reading those one-of-a-kind narratives which only that single author is able to tell.

How much of yourself do you put into your work?

Grif’s Toy (due out later this year) and the followup, Wes’ Denial (slated for summer of next year) are both incredibly personal. Thus, there is a lot of ‘me’ in those books. However, that said, they are works of fiction and not strictly autobiographical—not by any means. Not to mention, I write erotica and my personal life doesn’t compare to the escapades of Grif and Wes.

Everyone gets bad reviews… how do you think you’ll react?

Oh, this is the easiest one so far; I’ll cry! Next question?

We’ve talked about how a little whiskey gets the creative juices flowing. What else does it for you?

Ahh, if that’s an offer, I’ll take a couple of fingers of scotch—on the rocks, please! And, Bey, since you seem to know everyone, I’m wondering if there’s any chance of procuring Logan McCree as tonight’s waiter? Yep, good company, scotch, and tattoos—the perfect evening! Seriously though, I find a bit of scotch does do tremendous things when writing particular scenes *wink, wink*. I feel a bit freer and looser, the characters seem to talk (or not, as the case may be) more, and my fingers almost move across the keyboard of their own volition. I recently read an interesting article about great authors who were also alcoholics. While my writing (and alcohol consumption) are light years from those listed, I do appreciate the liberation a cocktail offers when it comes to getting the ‘creative juices flowing.’ Aside from the occasional grain based spirit, what entices me to write most is the calmness of utter quiet—and muses of course. The afore mentioned Logan McCree, Colby Keller, and many others. Thank you men, for your selfless devotion and your steadfast dedication to all of us who find our muses in you *grin*

Again, sincere thanks for having me, Bey…and I can’t wait to read Sacrificed: Heart Beyond the Spires.

JLT =)

Thanks for stopping by, Joseph!

Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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