Fated: Blood and Redemption by Bey Deckard #TopReads2015 Interview via FGMAMTC

Toni over at Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents says:

"Fated: Blood and Redemption is one of my top reads for 2015.  I contacted the author for an interview on previous and upcoming releases.  Continue reading for author questions and answers as well as an excerpt from a future book.

Thank you Bey for your time and excellent writing skills."
(You're very welcome Toni!)

Fated: Finalist in the Books We Talk About Awards at GGR-Review

A big thank you for everyone who nominated and/or voted for Fated: Blood and Redemption for Best Cover Design and Best Gay Historical in the Books We Talk About Awards over at Gay. Guy. Reading and Friends!



Praise for Fated: Blood and Redemption at Joyfully Jay

Michelle at Joyfully Jay says:

"The writing once again takes center stage and once again it absolutely has to be recognized. The author has a respect for the art of story telling and a command of language, or several languages as the case may be here. There are flashbacks throughout the story that move the adventure along with a history that has been well layered and presented throughout the trilogy. We know these characters so well that the flashbacks transition as seamlessly and effortlessly as a recalled memory. It is also effortless to step back into this universe as the world here is once again richly detailed and the words assemble themselves in perfect alignment, creating a series of perfect moments with a striking visual intensity. The characters all have distinct voices that remain true with every word and the characters thrive on the conflict that is forced upon them time and again. I can offer a five-star rating and can say Deckard’s writing is impressive and that he is wickedly and wildly talented, and while it’s all true, it somehow sounds ordinary when in fact it is extraordinary."

Read the rest of this amazing review at Joyfully Jay

The End and The Beginning

Today is the release of the third and final book in the Baal's Heart Trilogy, Fated: Blood and Redemption. How do I feel about it?

I feel good. Excuse me for a moment while I give myself a little pat on the back. I love the story, I love how everything worked like I was hoping for, I love the cover (I mean  look at it... isn't it nice?). I did good. Yay me! :)


I'd like to thank everyone who has been with me on this crazy, amazing adventure. I couldn't have done it without the friendship and support of my fans and friends. Look, guys! We made it!

Baltsaros, Tom, Jon would also like to thank you for being there to share in the voyage.

Captain Baltsaros, Tom, and Jon stand on the stage as the curtain lifts. Jon turns his head and smiles a little self-consciously at the man to either side of him. Baltsaros returns the smile with a little head nod, and Tom winks with a cheeky grin. The three of them link hands, face the audience and smile wide at all the fond hearts that followed their journey, who shared their laughter and tears, their passion and pain. As one, the three take a deep bow, and as they straighten, they unclasp hands and press their palms to their hearts.

"Thank you."


Now... is it the end? Certainly not. It's the end of this journey, but it's not the end of the story.  There's more left to be told. When? I don't know. Let's see how long I can stay off the ship *grins*.

Release day for Fated is going wonderfully. So much is going on! There are blog reviews up in so many places. You can find guest posts that I did for the release as well as interviews with both me and the pirates here. If you're looking to listen to the soundtracks or learn more about the world where Baal's Heart sails, you can go on over to baals-heart.com to check out the soundtracks for the trilogy, learn some pirate lingo, peruse the maps, see details about the ship and specifics about the fictional world.

Want a chance to win the books? There's a giveaway of an ecopy of Caged over at The Blogger Girls and a giveaway of the trilogy over at Sinfully... Addicted to All Male Romance.

And finally, be sure to join me on Facebook for a chat hosted by Bike Book Reviews tonight, April 11 @ 8pm EST.

Bring some drinks and be merry!


Fated: Blood and Redemption, Baal’s Heart III

Available for pre-order now at Amazon!

With the captain’s mind in shambles, Jon and Tom set out to find the passage home through the black mountain range, hoping to find a cure for Baltsaros’s madness. However, when the men are forced to part ways, darkness takes root in the schism created; fate, lust, and vengeance become obsessions threatening to tear apart the fragile bonds holding the three together.

Following on the heels of Sacrificed, Fated takes the pirates on a quest to find those responsible for the captain’s bloody beginnings. But can they survive what awaits them where past and present meet?



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So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

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*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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