Everyone give a warm welcome to author Blake Allwood!

“We all suck when we start something new!” That’s been my mantra for years when encouraging my kids or students to let go and try.
This was true for me when I first started writing gay romance novels as well. Am I perfect now? No, far from it, but at least now I know a lot of good editors!
Two years ago in April, 2019, I published my first novel, Aiden Inspired. Luckily, I had a lot of forgiving readers who overlooked all my errors, and as such, Aiden is still one of my best sellers.
To honor this book as well as my second in that two-part series, I wanted to do something special. So, I pulled both books and sent them through the editing process once again.
As a result, on this first "bookday" of Bobby Transformed and the second "bookday" of Aiden Inspired, I’m proud to say, I think they are significantly improved. Many of my readers have already confirmed that for me as well!
Aiden Inspired kept his book cover cause dang, that model is hot! Bobby Transformed however, got a new cover to better match Aiden Inspired. That model is pretty hot too! Seriously!
I hope you enjoy reading Aiden and Bobby’s stories and would love to have you stalk me a bit.
Thanks Bey, for allowing me to visit and share my new, old books!
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Visit Blake Allwood at www.blakeallwood.com