Huge Honkin’ Holiday Sale!

I'm having a big sale this weekend at Amazon (US/UK)

99 cents:



You can get a copy of my non KU titles with a 66% off coupon at my Payhip store this weekend ONLY:

Max – Now Available (almost) Everywhere

Now that Max is out of Kindle Unlimited, you can get it at (almost) every retailer!

Reminder: Exposed is coming out of KU on August 20th.

Amazon (kindle & paperback)
Audible (audiobook)
Amazon (audiobook)
Payhip (audiobook & ebook)
Smashwords (ebook)
Scribd (ebook)
Eden Books (ebook)
eBook also available at these resellers (Kobo, etc)


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Max – FREE this weekend (Feb 13/14) at Amazon

Get it here this weekend for free ->

Max – On Sale Now for .99 from Feb 22-24

I'm so sick of shovelling, I'm hopping on a plane next week to spend a week in the sun in Cuba... but before I go, I thought I'd offer up one more sale... and if there's a book in my bibliography I want you to read, it's this one.

Max is on sale at Amazon (US/UK only) for .99 from Feb 22-24 :) And the best part? Get Max for less than a buck and tack on the Audiobook narrated by Nick J Russo for just $1.99

Max - Bey Deckard

Folks who dislike unhealthy relationships, are sensitive to consent ambiguity, or have eurotophobia should take a big step back from this story.

It's dark... ish and full of mindfuckery.

Substance abuse, pornography, violence, cheating, unprofessional behaviour, criminal intent, abuse... and good lord, the lies.


Get Caged Free at Amazon – June 14/15

Guess what's free today? Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas is! For the first time ever, I'm offering the first novel in the Baal's Heart Series for free - get your copy today:

The Devil’s on Sale for .99!

Meet Byron. He's a total psychopath. Find out if he gets what he deserves in this brutally graphic, paranormal psycho-romp at Amazon for .99 (US/UK only) until January 14th, 2018. :)

Tags: Graphic torture, rape, forced incest, paranormal, murder, more murder, very murdery... This is not a romance. read an excerpt here.

Buy it here


Max – On Sale Now!

Do you like twisted, sordid stories full of manipulation and depravity?

Max is on sale at Amazon US for $0.99 / Amazon UK for £0.99 until May 12, 2017.

And the best part? Get Max for less than a buck and tack on the Audiobook narrated by Nick J Russo for just $1.99

Folks who dislike unhealthy relationships, are sensitive to consent ambiguity, or have eurotophobia should take a big step back from this story.

It's dark... ish and full of mindfuckery.

Substance abuse, pornography, violence, cheating, unprofessional behaviour, criminal intent, abuse... and good lord, the lies.

Get your copy now!

A Valentine’s Day Miracle: Better the Devil You Know is now available for Kindle

Buy it from Amazon (but please read the excerpt first)


So, a little over five months ago, I contacted Amazon to ask them about the ban on Better the Devil You Know. Basically I asked if the faux pas I committed was categorizing it under "erotica" when it really should be under "horror". I got a form letter reply back saying that they would look into it and not to ask again about it.

I didn't think I would ever hear back, honestly.

Then, yesterday, I got an email from someone there saying that if I put only under "horror" they would accept it.



Can you tell I'm excited?

It's available right now from the CreateSpace eStore. It will be available at Amazon (all stores) in 5-7 business days and in the expanded distribution channels in 6-8 Weeks.

There's just something really neat about holding your very first book. Having it on your Kindle is one thing... but holding the physical version in your hand? That's special.


So... in another vein:

There are definite downsides to not reading your own genre. For one, I don't know what are considered clichés or just overdone in romance/erotica. For another, I can't recommend work like my own because I don't know who else writes historical fantasy romance erotica (if that's what mine is). That's what happened this week - a fan contacted me asking if I had suggestions to tide them over until I finish the sequel to Caged. I had no idea what to say.

Sorry N - maybe someone will respond to this post with suggestions. I will let you know.


Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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