Bike Book Reviews gives Sacrificed 5 stars!

Becky from Bike Book Reviews says:

"You know how sometimes when an author writes a sequel it doesn't live up to the first book? Well that is soooooo NOT the case here..."

Read the whole review at Bike Book Reviews

Joyfully Jay gives Sarge 5 Stars!

Michelle says:

"While in a futuristic setting complete with a visual of the world they are in, there is an almost equal balance of character development interwoven throughout the story where one would not work without the other. Deckard weaves a theme through his books of the men who long to be told they are good boys, and their counterpoints, the men who want to love them back even when they can’t or won’t admit it to themselves. The author is able to subtlety expose and peel back the intimate layers of these men. This elevates the book from a simple story to a uniquely crafted character exploration, even when all of their secrets are not offered."

Read the whole review at Joyfully Jay

Sacrificed gets 5 stars at Gay. Guy. Reading. And Friends… PLUS an interview!

Warren says: "The second in the Baal’s Heart series is a terrific continuance of the Caged story. It follows Baal’s Heart through the Spires with all the perils that that entails, and takes the ship and the crew into a world that is totally screwy.


This portion of the series in no way lets up on the action, the romance, and the swashbuckling of the pirates. The adventures the three encounter in this story are imaginative and amazing."

Read the whole review at


Added bonus! Warren from interviewed me. :)

Hello Bey! Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview for/with me. I am really excited to hear about you and your creative processes.
Warren: First of all, would you please tell us a little about your background and your interests; only as much as you feel comfortable telling? Things such as pets, hobbies, your education, and anything else we might find interesting.

Bey: Hm. Let’s see. I’m originally French Canadian, but you’d never know that my first language is French from hearing me talk. Was fully assimilated by the anglos when I moved to Montréal as a kid.
I have a dog named Murphy. He’s what most would consider a pit bull—a muscle-y, short-haired, blocky-headed little guy. He’s my best bud and is almost always by my side. Murph’s a real charmer; everyone loves him.
As for education, well, I have a bachelor’s in Fuck-All (BFA in Art History and part of a degree in Anthropology). I was intending on going back and doing a master’s in Archaeology, but then I somehow wound up in the software industry and was a corporate drone and manager at a big company for over a decade.

Read the rest of the interview at

MM Good Book Reviews Gives Sarge 5 Hearts!

KathyMac says:

"This ain’t like no sci-fi I’ve ever seen. This is erotic with feelings that leap from the pages. Pages that you will be glued to and just like a sponge, you will be absorbing every single word."

Read the rest at MM Good Book Reviews

Joyfully Jay gives Sacrificed 5 Stars!

Michelle says:

"Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas was the debut novel of author and writer Bey Deckard so it was not possible to know what to expect from that first story. However, I was then anticipating grand things with the sequel, SacrificedHeart Beyond the Spires, and I was indeed rewarded with a flawlessly written, epic adventure."

Read the rest at Joyfully Jay

Review of Grif’s Toy by Joseph Lance Tonlet

This is definitely not my normal sort of read.

How the hell do I rate this? I have no real experience with romances, and this is definitely romantic.

Yet, here I sit here with a grin on my face, heart hammering, feeling a little dazed and in need of a very stiff drink.

I’m going to rate this according to my gut (and, I suppose, other parts of my anatomy) and go with five stars.

On one hand, it’s incredibly hot, full of some of my very favourite things. The fact that Wes and Grif are such an ideal match makes their D/s relationship intensely satisfying (and envying) to read about.

[Am I greedy for wanting more Chocolate?]

On the other hand? Well, it’s one hell of a great fantasy—the kind that is crafted from a deep well of desires, each detail lovingly chosen before it’s polished like a prized possession and placed in just the right sequence to make for a really gratifying story. I found it all terribly attractive, both in plot and execution. A lot of care went into it, and a lot of soul.

As much as the relationship between Grif and Tate was bittersweet… well, what Wes and Grif forge between them is like finding home. And, before I get too sentimental, let me wrap this up:

The truth is, I had a hard time putting Grif’s Toy down, and that felt damn great.

I am eagerly looking forward to the next one.

Good job, Joseph.

Order it here and then add it to your TBR on Goodreads

The Blogger Girls give Sacrificed 5 stars!

JustJen at The Blogger Girls says:

"This book picks up where Caged left off. Captain B and Jon are eagerly awaiting to see if Tom will give in and join them on their next adventure. Within the first few pages, I was pulled right back into this story and the fabulous world created. It felt really good being reunited with these guys again, and seeing each of them was a total feel good moment for me."

Read the whole review at The Blogger Girls

Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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