Today is the Last Day

How is it the end of July already? What is time even?

So, today is the last day of the Smashwords sale. Almost all my titles are discounted by 50% or Free. You can find them at:

Today is also the last day to enter the draw for a signed copy of my latest, Uncle Zach. You can enter by going here:

Also: For silver subscribers, I've added new chapters to My Roommate, Kevin :)

Uncle Zach

Uncle Zach is done.

At least I'm done writing it. I've sent it to some beta readers and hopefully I'll get it out soon. It took far longer than I planned and I ended up cutting some of it out... but I think it turned out well.

What it is: 40k words of pure smut.

What it isn't: Plot-heavy lol

Anyway, something in my brain needed me to finish this before finishing another one of my WIPs.

Folks who have subscriptions: I've uploaded the beta copy to the book page (here) and updated the list of Themes/CWs. You can download it now if you like OR you can wait until it's been proofread/beta-ed/edited, etc. Of course, I'll let you know when the final version is live.

Baal’s Heart, KU, Links, etc


For those who've been asking for the Baal's Heart Box Set in paperback (or in general) you can find it here: So far it's only in a few places but it'll be available elsewhere as they receive the info from Ingram Sparks.

The majority of my books are now out of Kindle Unlimited. The only one left is The Blacksmith's Apprentice which will come out of KU on the 11th of June. If you're looking to buy any of my titles and wonder where they're available, you can check check my books page here on my site, where you can check out the CWs/tags for each title, or skip to here and see where you can buy them. The only two titles that aren't available wide yet are Frangipani (because I haven't had time to submit it to D2D yet) and Sarge & Murphy because I'm working on new covers for them. But, the two novellettes are available in the F.I.S.T.S. Handbook, which you can find in lots of places.

Now, off to finish Uncle Zach...

Going Wide, Having a Sale…

Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas is now officially out of Kindle Unlimited. Find a copy at the following locations (and more to come... links are being updated daily): Buy Caged here

Max, the Sequel is also officially out of KU. However, Max is stuck there until the end of the month, unfortunately. If you'd like an "advanced copy" of Max before it's out of KU, simply buy an ebook copy of the sequel at a non-Amazon retailer and contact me. I'll see what I can do ;)

Like epic fantasy? Another title out of KU is Kestrel's Talon. You can get it at these retailers now and meet Kestrel, Talon, and Grimma (and Pants, the dog!).

For a sci-fi re-imagining of the 18th century fairy tale, La Belle et la Bête aka Beauty and the Beast, look no further than Beauty and His Beast. Grumpy Marrex meets sunshine-y Juniper in this lighthearted novella. You can find it at these retailers today.

Wondering where to get your hands on a copy of the absolutely gruesome dark romp, Better the Devil You Know? Here you go! (and be sure to check out the audiobook ^_^)

And finally, get Exposed at all these retailers BUT if you buy a copy at Smashwords, be sure to use coupon 9MVPE at checkout to get it for .99¢ until May 21.

Want to win a book? Come visit Deckard's Diablerie for a mid-month humpday giveaway ^_^

Stay tuned for more titles going wide this month... 😘

New Chapter

New chapter of My Roommate, Kevin is up. Tomorrow, I'll have a new chapter of Uncle Zach ready.

Also: The Amazon sale for Max, the Sequel is over, but for those who've been waiting to purchase an ebook copy of it NOT on Amazon, it'll be available on May 15th. I'll post links as soon as I have them. 🍆

Beauty and His Beast – New Links

Beauty and His Beast is now available at a bunch of retailers! Find them here.

End of April Update

Hello! I’m so bad at updating my site and I haven’t sent out a newsletter in forever. Apologies!

This month has been super unproductive. I went on vacation at the end of March, a family celebration of life for my dad who died late last year. I guess it hit me harder than I expected. Mentally, I’ve been in a weird place since my return.

I’ve been writing, but a lot of it is re-writing instead of adding to WIPs. It’ll work out, but it’s slow going. Then my computer started having issues and I had to bring it in for repairs… but whatever they did didn’t work because I had to bring it in again. I’ll get it back in a few days.

SO… with all the BS at Amazon with Kindle Unlimited, I’m going to be pulling my books out of KU, one by one, as they come up for renewal. Starting tomorrow, Kestrel’s Talon will be out of KU and available everywhere. I’ll update the book page with the links ASAP (which is honestly a PITA to do without a computer heh).

Anyhoo. That’s the update. :)

My Roommate, Kevin – March 10 Update

Another short update to my WIP here

A little Update

New things!

I did a blog tour thing with OWI for Max 2, which means there are interviews and guest posts and, best of all, a giveaway for a signed copy of Max 1.

and here is the Rafflecopter link:

Also! A new update to Uncle Zach. I was hoping to have another chapter of My Roommate, Kevin up too but it's not ready yet. Maybe tomorrow. :)

Max 2 – Out Now

Get your ebook copy here:

Paperback is now available too at Amazon (coming soon in other places):

Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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