Signed Paperback of Exposed – Giveaway

I still haven't received my paperback proof of Exposed from CreateSpace. They usually take a day or two to ship it out to me but this time, according to UPS, it's both supposed to arrive today and it hasn't been picked up from the location in the States yet. How can it be both? Heh anyway... it'll get here soon and once I've read through it again (which I'm looking forward to), it should be good to go at Amazon. I've also got a signed paperback giveaway here at Goodreads and I'll probably be doing another giveaway for my newsletter subscribers (once I actually finish writing this month's newsletter).

Thanks to everyone who've reached out to me to tell me how much they enjoyed Exposed :D (I'm thinking of asking Michael Ferraiuolo to voice the audiobook because I love his accents) and yes, promise it won't take so long to come out with my next book. Nose to the grindstone, I swear ;)

And finally: Are you looking to save some money while simultaneously giving to a good LGBT cause?

KEBB is offering BOOK BUNDLES - at a discounted price - with all the proceeds going directly to The Trevor Project to help their efforts towards crisis intervention and suicide prevention in LGBTQ youth. Bundles of like reads (such as M/M, M/F, BDSM, Taboo, etc.) have been packaged together and are being offered at well below market prices.

(pssst... my Better the Devil You Know is bundled with Joseph Lance Tonlet's The Brothers LaFon, Kora Knight's Kríe Captivity, and Joseph Lance Tonlet & Louis Steven's Quillon's Covert for five bucks! Holy shit!)

Check all the bundles out here.

Post-pub update and Happy St. Patty’s! 🍀

Quick break to write a real blog post for once.

Exposed is out and doing better than I thought. :D I was stupidly nervous for this one because I wasn't sure anyone would like it, but I was wrong, like usual. What is it about writing that makes me so nervous? It's probably the reason I do it.

There are the usual complaints about my stories but I managed to introduce a new one with Exposed. So, it goes: not enough plot, too much plot, not realistic enough, too realistic, creepy, too boring, too much sex, too kinky, not kinky enough, and now... too fluffy. I never thought I'd live to see the day. grin I wrote fluffy!

And then there's the politics... authors shouldn't mix politics and romance ;)

The rest of the stuff I always just chalk up to different personal experiences. Like, for this one, I've only got working knowledge of touring in Canada and talked logistics with folks who are responsible for a band out of the UK. I'm not really familiar with how tours work for US bands (though, actually I am better versed now than I was when I started writing Exposed... thanks, Mötley Crüe).

I'm also used to my familial connections with fame and what sort of stuff they encounter in Canada and the UK versus the US... and there's also a sort of easy, non-pestering, polite attitude Montrealers have towards actors/musicians. Like, you run into famous people all the time here, and no one makes a big deal. Folks like touring/filming here because of that.

What's fun about writing contemporary stories is I get to use stuff I know rather than just making up shit in Fantasy/Paranormal/Science Fiction (not that I don't like making fantasy shit up). So, Exposed is a hodgepodge of different things. Some of the places in the book are places I've been that have good memories attached to them... like that particular chiringuito in Torremolinos (and the boxes of wine!), the hotel with the crazy carpets and the barely functional ice machine I nearly sliced myself open on in Munich, the scene kids outside the hotel in Nice, and of course everything about Montreal. I modelled Greg's workplace after the software place I worked at forever.

Little details came from winters spent lying on the beach listening to my parents' Brit paparazzi friend tell his sleazy stories, from friends who've made the hard decision to cancel shows due to political climate, from the very real concerns about personal safety while travelling to the States right now, from my own practical knowledge (Greg owns the same camera as me) and, you know, personal kinks.

The thing from Greg's past is an exaggerated version of something from my own past mixed with an interesting case study I read last summer. Tam is modelled after an old coworker, Rose is modelled after an ex-tour-manager-turned-travel-agent I know (though he regrets the career change heh), Barrie looks like this old lush I know who hangs out in an expat bar and talks to anyone who'll listen about his days in the theatre. And Emyr? Well heh, Emyr is a bunch of different people. Physically, he's sort of based on an actor, mixed in with an ex of mine, a singer in a band my best friend was crazy about twenty years ago (oh god has it been that long?), and this beautiful guy I knew long ago who loved wearing heels. But... in the course of writing this, Emyr really became his own person, and I love him for that. He's just so full of life and I needed someone like that to write about.

All in all, I'm happy.

Post publishing is always such a relief for me. It means that the story no longer lives in its entirety in my head and I can let it go and move on to the next book...

...which is a vampire story! So far I'm having a great time with these guys. It's definitely not romantic. It's on the dark end of the scale... horror-ish. I've already done the cover for it and it's freaky heh. I'll probably show it to my newsletter subscribers later this month when I post about the Exposed paperback giveaway happening soon.

And finally: today is the day that everyone out there with a drop of Irish blood (hey I'm, like, quarter Irish) goes around making sure that everyone knows it.
So, Happy St. Patty's! I'll be celebrating with some Guinness later but for now it's back to work... Here, I'll leave you with a little St. Patty's day history here in Montreal:

St. Patrick's Day has been celebrated in Montreal as far back as 1759, after the Conquest, by Irish soldiers of the Montreal Garrison. In 1817, the beginning of the Irish community here, the observance of St. Patrick's day was marked by special dinners and the celebration of religious services. Read More

Exposed by Bey Deckard – Now Live!

*throws confetti* Happy release day to me!

Buy it here

The Author's Note reads:

This book took far longer to write than anything else I’ve written. Why? Well, I was about half-way through when the US elections happened, and the result of the elections really took the wind out of my sails. How can I write about love when slogging through so much toxicity online? How can I write about happiness when everyone I know is afraid for the future?

But, then… isn’t that the point of writing something sweet and fun?

So, I finished it, and the end result makes me smile… here’s hoping it’ll make you smile too.

Good luck, little story! May someone love you as much as I do. :)

Benefit Bundles – Now Live and Ready for Purchase!

Helping to Save LGBTQ Lives, One Bundle at a Time

The Moment You’ve All Been Waiting for Has Arrived!

** 7 Bundles
** 19 Participating Authors
** Over 32 Titles
** Insanely Priced Packages

The PayHip store is NOW OPEN with ALL PROCEEDS benefiting The Trevor Project!

Interview with Nick J. Russo, audiobook narrator PLUS audiobook giveaway

Today we'll meet Nick J. Russo, the talented narrator who's voiced many of my audiobooks. Whether it's Sarge's gruff commands, Max's sly teasing, or James's awkward protestations, Nick's does an incredible job bringing my characters to life.

Howdy, Nic​k. Welcome to my blog.
Thanks for having me, Bey!

First off... how did you get into audiobook narration?

I got into audio book narration a bit on a whim. I was working in an entirely different field when a friend of mine, John Solo, was looking for people to to read at his studio, Falcon Sound Company. As soon as I came in and read, I knew it was something I would enjoy doing. It's not every day that you can stumble into a dream job and turn it into a full time career, but three years later it's what I'm doing and loving it!

What is your favourite part of doing narration?

My favorite parts are usually when there is some kind of intense moment in a book. If I'm able to really get into the character and convey more extreme emotions like jealousy, fear, anger, extreme joy, regret, and of course lust in sex scenes, just to name a few, they are incredibly fun to perform. When those are written well, it's great to translate into audio.

The hardest part?

Sometimes it can be tough finding just the right voice for a character. During my pre-reads I've gone in with an initial voice in mind only to find that it doesn't work whatsoever by the time I'm done. Accents, depending on the type, can be a bit difficult at times as well.

Favourite genre (or subgenre) of books to narrate?

I have a few favorite genres, but if I had to pick one I'd say sci-fi. I've always been a sucker for space adventures, whether it be Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star, Mass Effect - whatever. To me, sci-fi is like pizza: there isn't any bad version of it.

Are you reading anything right now?

I'm about to start 1984, which I've heard great things about and pretty excited for. John Grisham novels are always a go to of mine as well.

What are your top 5 books of all time (any genre)?

I'm not sure I could pick just five! If I had to list some that come to mind though, I'd probably say John Grisham's The Firm, David McCullough's 1776, Stephen King's The Shining, and the Star Wars Thrawn Trilogy. I'm also a big fan of the Harry Potter series. Real random list I know, but that's how I roll. :P

I appreciate getting to be on your blog, as l'm a big fan of your work, Bey! It's so much fun narrating your stories because I know before I even read the first page that the characters will be three dimensional and a lot of fun to voice. Thank you for letting me voice your guys! And thank you to all those that enjoy my reads. It's really great to hear from fans via reviews, tweets, or on Facebook. I've got a bunch of titles in the works right now, with Bey's The Last Nights of The Frangipani Hotel out in audio today!

Thanks so much for stopping by, Nick!

Here's your chance to win an audio copy of The Last Nights of The Frangipani Hotel!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Coming Soon! Benefit Bundles to Aid the Trevor Project

"KEBB will be offering BUNDLES to their readers - at a discounted price - with all the proceeds going directly to The Trevor Project. Bundles of like reads (such as Contemporary, BDSM, New Adult, Taboo, etc.) will be offered at well below market price. For example: If 4 books would regularly sell for $20 we might offer the package at $10."

Want a sneak peak? Check it out...

New Interview at FGMAMTC – Max, Kestrel’s Talon, Exposed, and more

Thanks so much to Toni from Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents for making Max one of her top reads in 2016 :D

Curious about the inspiration for Max? Want to know more? Check out the interview here.

The Steadfast Assassin

No one can see the gun to my head,
Pushed hard against my temple.
And I can't see who holds it,
Though we walk through life in step,
But I can sometimes hear them crying
In the spaces between my breaths.
And when the gun begins to quake,
It's fear that makes me pray
That my steadfast, spectral assassin
Can wait just one more day.

A Valentine’s Day Miracle: Better the Devil You Know is now available for Kindle

Buy it from Amazon (but please read the excerpt first)


So, a little over five months ago, I contacted Amazon to ask them about the ban on Better the Devil You Know. Basically I asked if the faux pas I committed was categorizing it under "erotica" when it really should be under "horror". I got a form letter reply back saying that they would look into it and not to ask again about it.

I didn't think I would ever hear back, honestly.

Then, yesterday, I got an email from someone there saying that if I put only under "horror" they would accept it.


Happy birthday, Caged! Audiobook giveaway

Three years ago today I published Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas. It was unedited, the cover was a weird size, I hadn't even given a thought to marketing it. I didn't figure anyone would read it, honestly. I just published it for fun, on the suggestion of a friend, and basically walked away.

Then I got a review. And then another. And then another.

Well, here we are three years later. I've published five full-length novels with a sixth on the way, six novellas and novelettes, and a number of short or flash fics... and I hope to publish many more.

To celebrate the third anniversary of my first published work, I'm giving away five audiobook copies of Caged, narrated by the extraordinary Michael Ferraiuolo. All you have to do is go to this post and follow the instructions :)

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Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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