Happy release day to me!

Do you know what today means? With the launch of Sacrificed, I finally feel good about calling myself a writer.

I'm a writer.

I really am.

And, to prove I'm not just a one-trick pirate pony, I'm publishing an erotic science fiction novelette, Sarge, sometime next week.

Happy release day indeed... just look at these beautiful reviews!


Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents:

If I could give this book more than 5 stars I would.  5+++ (read more)


MM Good Book Reviews:

Reuniting with the cast from Baal’s Heart feels like coming home to family and friends. Above all, you will be left breathless in its wake. (read more)


Prism Book Alliance:

If I start talking about the kinky times we could be here for days, so let’s just say they were amazeballs and leave it at that. (read more)


Boy Meets Boy Reviews:

Ann: What I find incredibly brilliant about this series so far is the fluid dynamics with the three main characters.

SheReadsALot: These words from this story are filled with so much heart, passion and love of well fleshed out characters, I can't not rave about them. (read more)




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Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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