
I bleed for you;
Black and white
When it should be red.
Surrounded by ghosts,
I tear back the layers,
Exposing wounds
That will never heal,
To sacrifice words to you.

Naked to your touch,
The skinned confessions I offer
Bankrupt my soul
and leave me aching.
Yet, still I reach forth,
Blinded by hope
And bloody the page anew.

Quoi de neuf

So much writing, so little time!

Work is progressing on Better the Devil You Know. I'm over the third-way mark and I'm digging the way the story is going. I originally thought to release it under a different name because it's different from what I normally write, in that it's pretty dark. I have to say that I have some doubts as to how well it's going to be received. It's dark, not romantic at all, and the end is... well... not sure. It's going to be about 50k when it's done, and it will be done sometime soon. The tags go something like this: murder, graphic torture, sexual abuse, forced incest

The other thing I've been working on is a short story (15k) that will come out either in an anthology or published on its own (or both? I wonder if that's possible?). It's also not my normal fare. I'm not going to say much more about it until I know what is going to become of it, but the tags for this one are: erotic romance, sweet, transsexual, insta-love, HFN

Then there is Let Me Shift, which is actually coming along great... I just had to take a break from it because these two *points to books mentioned above* were yelling louder than I can ignore.

One day I will get back to Sentenced to the Sword, my gladiator story. Especially since I have such a great pic to use for the cover (Thanks to the wonderfully talented Varian Krylov and her gorgeous cover models - Strangers in Strangeland) But before that... I need to get to Saban and tell his story in Learning to Speak (A Baal's Heart Book).

And, because Tom won't stop complaining about how he's "bloody bored as all hells"... I have to get back to the triad soon.

*gestures* THIS is why I've been busy lately and not around much. That and it's summer - BBQs, sunbathing, drinks on terrasses on warm summer nights. :)

The Baal Heart Trilogy is on sale for 25% off for the month of July at Smashwords - you just have to enter the coupon SSW25 at checkout.

Sign up for my newsletter (I'm going to actually send one out soon) to keep up with new stuff and get discounts on books and excerpts and whatnots.

And finally - if you haven't already, you can pick up a copy of Discovery at Amazon today and check out some awesome LGBTQ flash fic, including a story by yours truly.


Interview with Captain Baltsaros – Hop Against Homophobia, Bi- and Transphobia 2015

May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia - and I am participating in the HAHBT!


I'm lucky to live in a country where same-sex marriage has been legal for over a decade. I'm lucky to live in a city where a rainbow flag hangs in the council chambers of the borough that includes Le Village the largest gay village in North America

I'm lucky that I live in a city that embraces diversity and celebrates openness with festivals like Fierté Montréal and Divers/Cité

Shitty things still happen here, but I'd like to believe that acceptance will only gain momentum.

So, for fun today, I thought I would have a chat with Captain Baltsaros from my Baal's Heart trilogy about his sexual orientation.

I will also be giving away a digital copy of one of my books to one lucky winner. All you have to do is comment on this post to be entered in a random draw (late on May 24th).




Captain, I'd like to start off by saying thank you for agreeing to do this interview.

You're very welcome. It's my pleasure... Whenever you're ready. *smiles*

Thank you! Ok... first off, do you consider yourself bisexual?

"Bisexual" would imply that there is a dichotomy of the sexes.

And you don't believe in that?

While yes, most people fall into one category or another, in my experience it's more like a gradient. I have been with a number of individuals who do not fit neatly into such a simplistic method of categorization.

Ah. Ok. *laughs* Sounds like you've had quite the life.

Indeed I have. *chuckles* But let us say yes, for the sake of this interview,  I am sexually attracted to both men and women.

When did you discover this about yourself?

I think I've always known. I've never been particularly fussy about a person's genitalia.

But do you have a preference?

Are we speaking about sex or about relationships?

Both I guess.

For sex... I only have a preference in terms of the pitch of a person's voice.

I'm not following you.

I'm a sadist. I derive great sexual pleasure from inflicting pain on a person. If that person's voice is shrill, as some women's are, it becomes intolerable after a certain point.

*blinks* Ah.

A good gag usually dampens the screams though.

I bet it does.

*laughing* Am I making you uncomfortable?

Erm. No, actually.

No? Interesting. *smiles charmingly*

Uh... ok, about relationships?

I am currently bound to two incredible young men. Previous to Jon and Tom, I was involved with a woman for a short period of time, and before that, a man for an even shorter period. I am not good at maintaining relationships because I lack certain qualities required for a satisfying union.

But it's working out well with Jon and Tom?

Yes. Surprisingly so.

And what about them, are they bisexual as well?

I would say... no. Tom derives pleasure from doing what he is told. Man, woman... that doesn't matter. What matters to him is whether I am enjoying the outcome. Left to his own devices, however, I would say that he would seek out men exclusively. Jon on the other hand is somewhat of a mystery... to himself as well. He was with a woman once in my presence, but whether sex or gender had anything to do with why he was not enjoying himself is hard to say. He seems to be sexually attracted solely to those he has feelings towards.

Sounds like he's demisexual.

I'm not familiar with that term.

A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.

That does sound about right.

Ok... last question: Have you ever experienced any kind of negativity due to your sexual orientation?

Well, of course. There are religious zealots that would love to stretch my neck for having sexual relations with men. I've also been seen as a "threat" by some because no one is "safe" from my advances, which is utterly ludicrous and insulting to say the least. Just because I don't have a preference doesn't mean I'm some sort of perverse sexual deviant, nor does it mean that I'm afraid or ashamed of making a choice. I just don't have a preference. End of story.

I understand completely, Captain. That's all the questions I had. Thanks so much for taking the time to speak to me today, and say hello to the boys for me.

I will. Thank you, Bey. It's always a pleasure... and I hope it's not too long before we speak again.


Keep on hopping:

The Smutsonian Reviews Caged + Excerpt

Shurrn says:

This was beautifully detailed with an almost cinematic quality. It’s the kind of story which keeps you absolutely absorbed in the pages. This is a fabulous blend of adventure, romance, suspense, action, and erotica – it bends genres and keeps the reader on their toes.

Read more of the amazing review (with perfect gifs) and an excerpt at The Smutsonian


I used to know how to put myself back together.

I lost that when you burned my blueprints.

With your fucking tragic eyes and your host of demons, you made me bleed.

And smiled when I asked for more.

Back to Snow

I'm back from the south. Had a great time beaching, reading, drinking, and sleeping.

Now it's time to get back to work :)


Interviewed by Toni Hanks… plus an excerpt from Baal’s Heart #3!

Toni Hanks from Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents asked me in for an interview and wondered if I had a deleted scene from the series or an excerpt from my WIP to offer. Curious? Go check out the interview. :)

Just a rambling post

Work on Baal's Heart 3 is going well now that I've gotten over a tiny bout of writer's block. For a few weeks there it was like squeezing blood from a stone. I'm right around the 55% mark, if it's going to be as long as I think it will. Not going to be finished before leaving in a few weeks though... Ah well, c'est la vie. Can't settle on a fucking name! I'm just going to call it The Baal's Heart Three. ;)

Conundrum when it comes to rating books now that I'm an author. Asked around what others do, and it varies wildly. Should authors rate other authors' books? What if you read a book that you just can't finish? Authors support each other, but authors also do compete... You want to maintain good relations. Right? In the short time I've been an author, I've seem some pretty petty shit going down.

I think I might just not rate any books unless I can rate them high.

Leaving for vacation in just over two weeks. Sun, sand, rum... water so blue it looks photoshopped. I'll be so glad to be out of this fucking snow. :)

A Heartfelt Thank You!

Sometimes the most fulfilling experiences are born out of spur-of-the-moment ideas. The Hot Reads for The Trevor Project was just one of those ideas.

A group of indie authors got together, at the eleventh hour, and decided to do something which expressed our appreciation to our readers for the holidays, while also doing something which embodied the essence of the holidays: the spirit of giving. Hot Reads for The Trevor Project was born.

In less than 24 hours the details were hammered out; additional indie authors were contacted to join in, a charity was selected, books were collected, an online store was created, digital art was developed, and bloggers were solicited to aid in promotion. Again, all this took place in less than 24 hours.

We, the six indie authors, had no expectations regarding the number of sales. However, the package went up for sale, and you showed up; you purchased the bundle AND, in doing so, supported an awesome charity. For that, we are extraordinarily grateful.

The success has cemented our decision to make this an annual event. In fact, we are already kicking around ideas for improvement. Some of which include: a selection of smaller bundles, genre specific bundles (BDSM, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Contemporary, etc.), and work by a greater number of indie authors.

Again, none of this could have been done without the amazing support of you, the m/m readers. You guys are nothing short of wonderful and you have our most heartfelt thanks.

Last, but certainly not least, we’d like to express our sincere gratitude to the blogging community* (listed below**). We approached you at the busiest time of the year—at the last moment—and your support was unwavering and instantaneous.

Our warmest regards and best wishes for a happy new year,

- Rain Carrington
- Bey Deckard
- Varian Krylov
- Matt Ortiz
- Joseph Lance Tonlet
- Brad Vance



* Alphabetically Listed
** We made every attempt to record every supporting blogger and website. However, we have likely overlooked a few. Our most sincere apologies if you are not listed.


Fireside Chat at Bike Book Reviews

Bec and I had a chat over at Bike Book Reviews - Come and check it out :)

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Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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