I finally made a group. You can find it here. -> https://www.facebook.com/groups/deckardsdiablerie :)
My Life
Wow! An update.
When was the last post I made? January? Jebus.
Personal shit:
Things have been up and down in my life for a while now. The death of my best (human) friend, manoeuvring through a COVID and "post"-COVID world (which I still haven't caught, at least that I'm aware of *knocks on wood*), the death of Murphy the Goodest Dog, my father's quickly failing health, health issues of my own... family shit. It's just one thing piling onto another and I'm not one of those artists or authors who can channel that anxiety, grief, and anger into anything useful.
I've kept my head down, taking one step at a time to get back to where I can sit down and write for hours at a time and finally publish all the things I had to put on the backburner. Sometimes it's two steps forward and five steps back... sometimes I make actual, honest to goodness progress. Lately, it's been a lot of the latter... so 🤞🏼
Like everyone always says: it's a process.
Book shit:
I should be able to publish something shortly. It might not be the thing that people were waiting for, but I'm so close to so many The Ends that I feel I can get something out that's new. Hopefully, that will get the momentum going again.
Max and Exposed are going back into KU as soon as September, so if you've put off getting a copy and you don't want to buy from Amazon, now's your chance.
General writing shit:
As some may have noticed, I've paywalled some of my free stories at "Bey's Tales" and set up a subscription thing. You can check out more details here but the gist of it is to read most of the spicier/taboo-ey stuff, it'll cost you a buck a month, and you can cancel at any time. There are a few WIPs that you can access with a higher level subscription at $5 a month, ones that will eventually become full length published novels. You'll be able to read along as I write them—I will post updated files with the date they were last added to and word count. The Wanderer1 is one of these. It's a post-apocalyptic sci-fi, poly, queer tale of redemption. It's sitting at about 35k with another 6-7 left to go.
Other WIPs that I'm not certain will be published or might not end up being even novella length are accessible at the $1 level, like this taboo story between and uncle and nephew called (for the time being) Uncle Zach2.
I'll be adding more WIPs for the "Silver" subscribers , like My Roommate Kevin, Charlie, Midnight in Montreal, etc, in the weeks to come.
What the hell? Why the paywall, Bey? Well, it has to do with family and underage members of said family finding their way onto my site and reading things they really shouldn't. I'm not into censorship, but some things should be read with, you know, more maturity and experience. Amirite?
Also, I think having subscribers will motivate me to write more. I hope.
Anyhoo... that's it. That's the update. Thanks to everyone who has stuck around during this dry spell. I'll update again soon. Cheers xo
1 The Wanderer - Themes/TWs: prostitution, graphic sex, large age gap, violence, theft, drug/alcohol abuse, depression, rape, gang rape, cannibalism, murder, incest, child/infant death and abuse, general abuse, (more to come)
2 Uncle Zach - Themes/TWs: incest, dubcon, dirty talk, cum fetish, D/s, rape play, gangbangs, free use, piss play, (more to come)
I should be Writing
I should be writing. I should be doing dishes. I should be folding laundry. Instead, I decided to doodle this.
Better the Devil You Know – Now @ Godless
Look! A new place to buy Better the Devil You Know! You can now get it in epub/mobi/pdf from Godless -> https://geni.us/GodlessDevil
Genre: Horror
TWs: All of them
Read an excerpt - trust me on this.
Exposed – now on Audible
Huzzah! At long last... six months after it was submitted to Audible, it's finally live.
Get it here today -> https://geni.us/ExposedAB
Caged – Free this weekend (Dec 5-6)
This weekend get the first book in the Baal’s Heart series here: geni.us/CagedFree
Impatient Pirates and What’s Coming Next… (and a giveaway)
Every time I sit down to write, it's as if I have Tom, Jon, and Baltsaros standing over my shoulder, Tom clearing his throat impatiently... because they want another book. And lord do I want to give them that... and I'm looking forward to writing it. I'm also looking forward to introducing you to the new characters in their coming adventure. ;)
I still get so many lovely emails/messages about my pirates even now, six years after I first published Caged on a lark. I'm glad I did because it literally changed my life.
But the boys have to wait because I have The Blacksmith's Apprentice to finish. I was going to be done last month, but I decided not to push myself too hard too fast. I have a decision to make about the ending (there are two possible outcomes) and add a chapter I forgot to write. That's all that's left to do. Sounds easy, right?
*cracks knuckles* I can do this.
Oh! And before I forget - you can get a copy of Exposed (epub/mobi/pdf) for ✨free✨ when you join the mailing list over at QueeRomance Ink. Here are the details. Enjoy!
Exposed, Narrated by Dan Calley
I'm still waiting for the audio book to show up at Audible (sigh) so I decided to put it up on Payhip.
Caged – on sale this week for .99
Amazon US/UK - Caged is on sale this week for a .99 :)
Exposed – on sale
June 8-10 you can get Exposed at Amazon (US/UK) for .99!
Get it here :)