People find it hi-lar-ious that I wrote a book about gay pirates. I am getting bombarded by pirate-themed messages, including cute gifts like this little fella. My friends think they're funny.
Writing is going well. I'm at a part in the book where it's basically been fully written in my brain for months so putting it to 'paper' is going smooth. Three chapters in three days... about 10k words.
Every once in a while when I sit down to write a scene, my characters rebel. I'm glad that they do... They know themselves and keep me on the right path.
Tom: "Listen mate, do ye really think I'd be as daft as that? Come now... be a dove and change it, aye?"
Baltsaros: "I hope you're planning on rectifying this in the next few chapters. I can't see this working in the long run. You've done much better in the past. If I were you, I would redo it."
Jon: "Do I really sound like that? Really? I thought we were over that..."
Unfortunately I think I have to put one of my projects on hold. I might wait to continue Sentenced to the Sword in the fall - I just have too much to do these days, and my writing is paying the price.
This time around, for Beyond the Spires, I'm thinking of hiring an editor. Maybe. I'm just really bad at letting others touch my stuff. Juvenile, I know. All my report cards growing up said approximately the same thing: Gifted. Does not play well with others.
I'll think about it more. Weigh my options.
Today is a gorgeous day... I think I may actually go read outside and catch up with all the books that are going unread on my Kindle.
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