Interview at The Novel Approach


TNA: Hi, Bey, thanks so much for being here with us today. Why don’t we start with the sharing part of the interview? Would you tell us a few things about yourself: hobbies, interests, odds and ends stuff?

Bey: Hmm open-ended questions… those are the ones I’ve never been good at answering. I’m still trying to figure out what people want to know about me and what is considered over-sharing. *laughs* Is emoting ok? I like to emote.

Well, let’s see… when I’m asked about hobbies, the first thing I always say is that I collect skulls – which is the truth – but it’s not like it’s an active hobby. I just have a whole bunch of them around the house.

Mostly, I like going down to the local pub for a pint with a buddy. I watch a shitload of movies and TV. I get tattooed or pierced. I draw and paint. I do pro bono web work and graphics for certain companies, associations, and dog rescues.

TNA: Yeah? What’s your favorite tattoo? What makes it your favorite?

Read the Rest at The Novel Approach (plus! enter to win an e-copy of Caged)

Multitaskingmomma gives Caged 5 Stars

I am at odds on how to approach my review for this book. This was huge in terms of plot and character development. Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas is the first installment to the Baal's Heart series. This is an action packed pirate swashbuckling mega-adventure set in times gone by. This is also far from a romantic story. Instead, I see this as a story of three men who survived through all their life's experiences and made do.

Read the review at multitaskingmomma 

4.5 Stars for Caged from The Novel Approach


Review: I’m fairly newish to the romance genre, in the grand scheme of things, but I’ve more than made up for lost time over the years. I love my romance books like I love my coffee—hot, addictive, and insomnia inducing. Bey Deckard’s Caged: Loved and Treachery on the High Seas is all that and more, and did I mention pirates?

Read the rest of the lovely review at The Novel Approach

The Blogger Girls give Caged 4.5 Stars!

JustJen writes: "Wow, where to start with this one. This called to me right away, from the cover and the blurb, it just sounded like my kind of story, and I wasn’t disappointed. It is everything that the blurb leads you to believe and then some...."
Read the Review

New 5-Star Review of Caged & New Teaser Promo


New 5-star review by Annette Gisby from

A book with BDSM, pirates and an adventure, how could I resist this?

I've seen this book placed in some retailers as erotic, but I think calling it that does it a disservice. This book is much more than erotica, and while sex does feature heavily, it is more about the relationships and emotional aspects than the physical ones.

Read the rest at


New teaser promo:


What do you think?


Caged is Awesome Indies Approved!



What does this mean? you ask. Well, for one it means that has been awarded a place on the Awesome Indies list of quality independent fiction.

The Awesome Indies mission is to:

  • identify and honour independently published books that meet the same standard as books published by major mainstream publishers and their imprints,
  • promote and support AIA authors and their books,
  • raise the standard of independent publishing,
  • assist authors to achieve quality through our author’s services,
  • raise the image of independently published books amongst readers.

So Many Words, So Little Time

Slowly creeping up to 50% on Beyond the Spires. I keep thinking that I should put up a teaser chapter somewhere, but unless you've read Caged, there's at least one big spoilers.

And I personally hate spoilers.

Another chapter done of Spires. Next is a chapter for a different writing project. After that, there will be another chapter for my gladiator book - Sentenced to the Sword (I'm still looking for beta readers)

So many words.

I'm waiting for my first really bad review to see how I feel about it. I have been reading through bad reviews of other books on both Goodreads and Amazon, and I'm amazed at the range of complaints and the sheer vitriol of some of these reviews.

Can't lie... makes me a little nervous.


Awesome Indies gives Caged ★★★★★

Read the review at Awesome Indies


Can you tell I'm excited?

It's available right now from the CreateSpace eStore. It will be available at Amazon (all stores) in 5-7 business days and in the expanded distribution channels in 6-8 Weeks.

There's just something really neat about holding your very first book. Having it on your Kindle is one thing... but holding the physical version in your hand? That's special.


So... in another vein:

There are definite downsides to not reading your own genre. For one, I don't know what are considered clichés or just overdone in romance/erotica. For another, I can't recommend work like my own because I don't know who else writes historical fantasy romance erotica (if that's what mine is). That's what happened this week - a fan contacted me asking if I had suggestions to tide them over until I finish the sequel to Caged. I had no idea what to say.

Sorry N - maybe someone will respond to this post with suggestions. I will let you know.


Writing and Drawing

Loved this show. I have a few more of Freddie started.
Freddie from The Take - Loved this show. I have a few more of Freddie started.

I'm taking a little break from writing today. I've only written about 600 words of the 1000 that I normally like to get out in a day but eh, my mind is elsewhere and I'm not going to sweat it. I'm still new to this digital portrait painting... so many brushes to choose from! I have no idea how to use half of them and end up using the same three over and over. I should ask someone else who does digital painting what brushes they like to use.

The giveaway contest for Caged ends in less than 12 hours! So exciting. Tomorrow is the launch of the paperback edition - I know some people will be very happy about that.

Wondering which retailer pays me the most?

#1 is Payhip. Not a retailer, but an online shop that I've set up myself. This is where I make the most return on my books.

Then after that it gets a little complicated, but these are the three best choices:

At Eden Books*, I make 70% royalties for all titles.

At Smashwords, I make 60% royalties for all titles.

At Amazon, for books OVER $2.99 (USD) I make 70% royalties and for books UNDER $2.99 I make 35%

So... if the book is under $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Smashwords.

If the books is over $2.99, buy from Eden Books or Amazon.

But best of all, buy from my Payhip store :)

Questions? Contact Me!

*Not all my titles are available at Eden yet as of 25/09/23 - I'm working on it.

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