Bugger the weather.
Anyhoo... I just realized I haven't said a word here in almost a month so I figured I'd catch you up on what's the what here at Castle Deckard.
- I've passed off some of Kestrel's Talon to be edited. It's nearly done and I'll post a release date when I have one.
- I'm still not sure what I'm going to finish next, but I'd like to get #3 from The Actor's Circle out by summer. Called The Window in Between, it's a third pair to join the cast, and like the other two books, deals with themes of self-discovery and acceptance. Book #4, as yet unnamed, will reunite the six men in one location. I've already written so much dialogue for #4... I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into it.
- There's also Learning to Speak starring Saban from Baal's Heart... I just need to get it started. I know the story.
- Speaking of Baal's Heart.... April 11th is the one year anniversary of Fated: Blood and Redemption and will go on sale at 8am (EST) in the US and 8am (GMT) in the UK. It's a Kindle countdown sale, so the earlier you grab it, the better. I'll post again on Monday about it.
- Finally...
Luce whistled to himself as the elevator made its way down, wondering what it was that absolutely required his physical presence. The memo had been dramatically short and to the point:
Come to your old office. Tell no one.
Despite being happy with his work Above, Luce'd gotten a fun little thrill out of ducking out for the afternoon to attend this intriguingly clandestine meeting. Luce grinned and straightened his paisley tie, smoothing it down over his periwinkle blue shirt as the lift came to a stop with a soft ding. Walking with long, straight backed strides, Luce nodded in greeting to the workers in the hallway, a few of them staring in wide-eyed amazement as he passed them by. Hearing whispers, he grinned to himself.
After rounding another bend, down to the main floor of the common area, he took the stairs up to the office two at a time. Pausing at the doorway, his hand lifted to knock, he smirked. What was that... excitement he felt? It had been a while...
Luce rapped the door just once for decorum and entered, walking into the well-appointed office with a bright smile.
"Now what did you have me come all the way down here for? You know I'm a busy man..." he said to the figure in the chair. However, when the chair swivelled around and he saw that it was just the foreman, Luce frowned.
"Saul? Where's Byron?" Luce asked the big Abaddonian, a touch apprehensive.
The demon, hulking and tusked with eyes like bullet holes, ducked his head like a shamed dog.
"He's not here, sir," Saul mumbled.
Luce clenched his jaw, his whole body tense.
"Well... where is he?"
"That's the thing, sir," replied Saul in a meek voice. "We can't find him anywhere..."
That's right... There's a sequel to Devil brewing in my skull and that's how I think I'll start it. It probably won't be a long book, but I'm going to try to get it out in time for Halloween of next year. :)
And that's it! I have to get back to writing.

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