Better the Devil You Know
Better the Devil You Know
Tags/CW: Horror, very graphic torture, forced incest, murder, paranormal, serial killer, dark humour/satire, dark bromance
(trust me on this one... you want to before buying)
Byron is tall, handsome, cultured, and rich. He's also an unrepentant serial killer with a penchant for bloody, gruesome torture. His techniques and ability to hide in plain sight come from a lifetime of honing his skills, and no one who walks through his doors ever sees the light of day again.
Micheal's been at his job so long that he's bored and disillusioned and can barely remember the days when his work used to bring him joy. He finds himself dumping more and more of his workload on his subordinates so that he can play hooky. He knows something needs to change . . . but what?
When Micheal's boss decides to send him on an unusual errand, Micheal and Byron are thrown together, and each finds themselves challenged in ways they never expected. But there is a mystery at the heart of their uneasy relationship—will unravelling the past solve that mystery and give them their hearts' desires?
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NEW: Buy it at Godless
Where to Find Better the Devil You Know
Amazon won't even reply to my emails anymore and I don't have the spoons to keep trying... so the Better the Devil You Know ebook is now for sale in a number of other places. Check here for links to a bunch of different retailers (that link will update as more go live). Another place you can get it is in my payhip store. I've also submitted BtDYK to Ingram Spark, so there will be more links available once it goes live there. So... sorry for the trouble. I really wish Amazon wasn't so stupid.
If you DO buy it through payhip... here's a 25% off coupon: AmazonSucks (add coupon code at checkout)
Oct 20 update: Look! It’s at Amazon again.
Better the Devil You Know – audiobook
Guess what? Better the Devil You Know is now an audiobook! It's narrated by one Ian Walker... I think you might recognize the voice. ;)

I've submitted it to Author's Republic and they'll send it out to all the retailers. Who knows if it'll ever see the light of day at Audible (even with their 60 business day turnaround ) so I am offering it up right now at Payhip here. The narrator did a wonderful job... there's even music!
The ebook is still in limbo at Amazon. No one wants to give me answers. Good news is that the paperback is still available here.
Better the Devil You Know
Howdy -
Looks like BtDYK is in trouble again at Amazon. They're deciding whether or not to keep carrying it because it goes against their content guidelines. I went through this with Amazon back when I first published in in 2015 and they decided to accept it. Don't know why this has changed, but hopefully I'll get some answers. In the meantime, I've made it available here at payhip at a discount:
(ps… the audiobook is coming… :D )
Friday the 13th Flash Sale: Better the Devil You Know for .99 (US/UK only)
(please heed the warnings)
Better the Devil You Know for .99 June 17-19
On Sale June 17-19 at Amazon (US & UK)
Novel (40 000 words)
Genre(s): Horror, torture, paranormal, serial killer
Signed Paperback of Exposed – Giveaway
I still haven't received my paperback proof of Exposed from CreateSpace. They usually take a day or two to ship it out to me but this time, according to UPS, it's both supposed to arrive today and it hasn't been picked up from the location in the States yet. How can it be both? Heh anyway... it'll get here soon and once I've read through it again (which I'm looking forward to), it should be good to go at Amazon. I've also got a signed paperback giveaway here at Goodreads and I'll probably be doing another giveaway for my newsletter subscribers (once I actually finish writing this month's newsletter).
Thanks to everyone who've reached out to me to tell me how much they enjoyed Exposed :D (I'm thinking of asking Michael Ferraiuolo to voice the audiobook because I love his accents) and yes, promise it won't take so long to come out with my next book. Nose to the grindstone, I swear ;)
And finally: Are you looking to save some money while simultaneously giving to a good LGBT cause?
KEBB is offering BOOK BUNDLES - at a discounted price - with all the proceeds going directly to The Trevor Project to help their efforts towards crisis intervention and suicide prevention in LGBTQ youth. Bundles of like reads (such as M/M, M/F, BDSM, Taboo, etc.) have been packaged together and are being offered at well below market prices.
(pssst... my Better the Devil You Know is bundled with Joseph Lance Tonlet's The Brothers LaFon, Kora Knight's Kríe Captivity, and Joseph Lance Tonlet & Louis Steven's Quillon's Covert for five bucks! Holy shit!)
Coming Soon! Benefit Bundles to Aid the Trevor Project
"KEBB will be offering BUNDLES to their readers - at a discounted price - with all the proceeds going directly to The Trevor Project. Bundles of like reads (such as Contemporary, BDSM, New Adult, Taboo, etc.) will be offered at well below market price. For example: If 4 books would regularly sell for $20 we might offer the package at $10."
Want a sneak peak? Check it out...
A Valentine’s Day Miracle: Better the Devil You Know is now available for Kindle
Buy it from Amazon (but please read the excerpt first)
So, a little over five months ago, I contacted Amazon to ask them about the ban on Better the Devil You Know. Basically I asked if the faux pas I committed was categorizing it under "erotica" when it really should be under "horror". I got a form letter reply back saying that they would look into it and not to ask again about it.
I didn't think I would ever hear back, honestly.
Then, yesterday, I got an email from someone there saying that if I put only under "horror" they would accept it.